View Full Version : What's all this about then....

20-11-12, 13:11
Frankly I am pretty sick of this. Woke up worrying about two work issues at 2.45am and was then awake for the night.

Anyway now in work, and needless to say both have resolved themselves (or I have resolved them) but I am still jumpy and anxious as hell. Really really on edge, feeling dizzy, sick don't want to eat and feel like I am about to be ambused by something, I have no idea what.

I am a nervous wreck and I don't even know what I am anxious about.:doh:

20-11-12, 16:43
You are not the only one who gets like this, I often wake in the night worrying over things and even though I realise in the day it is nothing to worry about, I still find it hard to shake off the anxiety and most of the time i know there is nothing to be anxious about but I still feel anxious. I hope you have a better nights sleep tonight.

20-11-12, 17:13
unfortunatley for those who have anxiety disorders their anxiety isn't rational. I'm sure everyone has experienced anxiety 'out of the blue' and from what I understand it's just the subconcious protecting itself by being 'on guard' to threats whether these are emotional or physical the body reacts the same way by releasing adrenaline so you feel like you do!
Just keep repeating to yourself that it's just the bodies natural response and it will pass