View Full Version : borderline high liver test!help

20-11-12, 16:32
Hi I had a blood test to check if anything was causing my anxiety and depression so I got tested for thryoid and liver and things and the doc sed its borderline liver enzymes and I have to have another test !? And ideas about what this could be really worried ?x

20-11-12, 16:41
Do you know which specific liver function test was borderline?

20-11-12, 16:50
Have a read of this as well:


20-11-12, 17:07
hiya, not the doctor didnt say she asked me if i drank much ? she said its nuthing to worry about and its not serious its just over borderline but i am freakin out !

20-11-12, 17:13
Do you drink alcohol?

Ok so it is not serious and nothing to worry about

20-11-12, 17:14
no i dont drink very much , i am overweight could this be anything to do with it x

20-11-12, 17:35
Well you could have what they called a "fatty liver" if you are overweight. A lot of people have that though.

Just see what happens on the next tests and the doctor will advise.

20-11-12, 17:44
yes its just the waiting i hate .im trying to tell myself its not tht serious because she didnt get me back in till my next review which was 3 weeks after i got my blood test results!and its only borderline i suppose ive heard it can go up and down abit ...and breathee lol. thankyou for replying:)

20-11-12, 18:32
I am sure things will be fine for you so try not to stress ok