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View Full Version : tight muscles

24-09-03, 03:52
Hi, me again. One more question. Do you guys ever get muscles aches? I get them in my arms and legs. Sometimes when I'm lying in bed i can feel little twitches in my legs but I just don't think about it. I have found that the best way to deal with anxiety problems is just to realize that the physical symptoms are real, but are caused by my worrying. I feel alot better than i ever have. I'm going to stay strong minded and beat this !!! I think all you guys can do the same!! I wish you all the best!!! Let me know of any similiar symptoms you guys had or any other strange symptoms. I think the worst and most worrysome symtoms are definetly the chest pains. Some times they feel like little pinches or knives and sometimes it's just a tight feeling? Anyways, sorry to ramble on. It's just great to have people to share this with. We can all help eachother. My email address is JR_22_9@hotmail.com. Put 22 in your subject so I know who it is. BYE GUYS

24-09-03, 08:46
Hi JR,

All the pains you talk of are extremely common. The muscles aches are due to when we get anxious and panicky blood gets directed to the large limb muscles in preparation for flight or after worry when it's all setling back down to normal.

The chest pains are the muscles tightening and contracting in preparation for increased activity. It is quite helpful to do some good stretches and walking when that pain comes on .

Well done for getting the better of it all. Keep it up.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

07-10-13, 04:53
Hi honni

Most symptoms of anxiety have subsided for me.. But I get a real tension in my body.. Just occasionally. Usually when I'm tired xxx

It's awful because builds and builds until I make myself sick to relieve the stress.

07-10-13, 05:57
same here. I have been concerned about this for a while now. great to Identify :)

07-10-13, 22:31
Hey hon. How you feeling. ??? Hope you ok. Feel free to message me anytime you need a chat. :-)