View Full Version : Back from the Doctors why do I do this!

20-11-12, 17:48
Got back from docs, regarding my pain in lower abdomen area. I was so scared I had ovarian cancer or something really serious. She did an examination and said that everthing felt ok and no bloating. She reckons I have pulled a muscle from coughing so much with the cold I had that only went last week!

My poor doctors, must dread me coming in :-(

20-11-12, 18:17
I am sure they understand your concerns and fears and I am pleased you have got the reassurance you need :)

20-11-12, 18:33
Glad that all seems ok..amazing how much damage coughing can do with pulled muscles.ive done the same myself.the good thing is is that the docs can always feel any probs in that area and can reassure you,
Im sure my docs dread me going in..when im sitting in the waiting room,i always cast my eyes down when the drs come out to call patients in,they must think "whats she doing back again so soon" lol.
pain in that region is horrible xx

20-11-12, 19:54
Im sure my docs dread me going in..when im sitting in the waiting room,i always cast my eyes down when the drs come out to call patients in,they must think "whats she doing back again so soon" lol.

I always think that too. :)

21-11-12, 06:30
Sometimes though in our life that is going to happen. We end up seeing the doctors alot. I get annoyed with repetitive bladder infections Ive had this year and the doctors visits and bills and the amount of antibiotics Ive been on.

Even though that doesnt have much to do with health anxiety I totally understand though I get it every now and then and end up going to the doctor for the smallest or silliest little things. if you have a really nice and good doctor Im sure they dont mind they usually do their best to make you feel comfortable and reassured whether its something bad or something silly. ive had doctors who have just talked to me the reasons why they think there isnt anything wrong and usually give me a discounted price.

Another thing if a doctor is making you feel uncomfortable for your visits then maybe try another doctor till you find one that has your interest at heart. Also get the doctor to know you so they understand that you can be scared or get anxiety so they know how to handle it when they see you. I beleive to be a doctor then the skills to help people and make them feel at ease and as comfortable as possible is really important.

Another thing whether you go twice a year or twice a week it doesnt matter you should be treated with respect.

21-11-12, 06:44
I feel like this too, I actually apologised to my doctor last time I visited for coming so often, but I'm lucky and my Dr is very nice and just told me it was fine. The problem is we HA sufferers feel we need reassurance, though it's only a short term relief for us until the next symptom rears it's ugly head o_O so we go to the doctor's to get it.

21-11-12, 06:55
I have to say my doctors are lovely and very understanding. She said it is nothing to worry about so they know me well. I agree for the short term relief as this morning I am already thinking....what if.....

21-11-12, 07:01
I feel like this also, I always had a great Dr and recently he retired, the Dr I have now keeps sending me letters suggesting it would maybe be better to find a closer surgery, so I know he wants rid of me which doesnt help with the anxiety. If I didnt have agoraphobia it wouldnt be so hard to find a new surgery as I am out of the area to my surgery , but Ive been with them for years.

I know its a pain for them to come out to see me, but I only call if I really need them and most things are handled over the phone.

oh no_1
21-11-12, 08:17
did you go to doctors on your own?

21-11-12, 09:24
i do yes