View Full Version : Just need to let it all out....

20-11-12, 18:26
Hi all. :unsure:

Im new to this forum thing. Im going through a real rough patch in life at the minute and am hoping to find people with similar issues to me just to talk to and listen to. I feel very alone at moment because my partner, family and friends just dont understand the issues that im having.

Basically, Ive been diagnosed with and am being treated for Health Anxiety. I also have a medical phobia. They really dont go well together!

I gather from reading some of these posts that there are people out there just like me. That's reassuring to know.

My main issue at the minute is that Im feeling physically unwell. Ive had all kinds of symptoms (headaches, pins and needles, digestive problems, mouth ulcers...I could go on all day) Im convinced that medically there is something seriously wrong with me. I wake up every single day feeling terrible.

My therapist and everyone around me seem convinced that all of my symptoms are anxiety related and when I have more coping tools, the physical symptoms will go away. Im just so confused. I dont know whats real and what isnt anymore!

Advice anyone?

20-11-12, 18:35
Hi :welcome: You are not alone here :) It is surprising how many physical symptoms we get with anxiety including those you listed. Has your doctor suggested any medication and/or therapy for you?

20-11-12, 18:37
I don't go to the doctors because I have a medical phobia. Im currently having private CBT in the hope it can help. x

20-11-12, 18:42
I have made a site for anxiety http://take-a-deep-breath-and-relaxxx.tumblr.com/ if you need to talk :)

20-11-12, 18:45
CBT is very good and I hope it will help you to deal with it. You could try some natural remedies such as chamomile tea (about 4-5 cups a day) Bach rescue remedy. lavender oil and epsom salts in your bath.

20-11-12, 18:47
What does Camomile tea do?

20-11-12, 18:54
It helps to relax you and reduces symptoms of anxiety. it is also very good for soothing the digestive system.

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:51 ----------

Epsom salts contain magnesium which helps to relieve anxiety symptoms and is often deficient in our diet.

20-11-12, 19:05

I can totally relate to how you are feeling at the moment. I, myself also suffers from Health Anxiety and have most of the symptoms you listed. But my main symptom is nausea which I absolutely dread, since I have a phobia of vomiting. :doh:

I also have everyone around me saying everything I have is just 'all in my head' and all anxiety related, when I'm almost certain it isn't! It's really frustrating sometimes, but that's why I come here. :)

I'm afraid I don't have any advice on any sort as I'm practically in the same boat as you right now. However, whenever I feel ill I try doing stuff to distract myself from all the worrying. I usually write, read, watch funny movies, play games etc etc.

21-11-12, 16:39
Its rubbish. Its a vicious circle. I feel ill, I panic, I feel more ill. Arrrrrrggghhhh!

21-11-12, 16:50
So can relate to you. I feel ill every day, I visit the doctors weekly just to let them know how ill I think I am. They are putting most of my symptoms down to anxiety and think my HA is bringing most of it on. I get confused myself to what is actually a physical illness and what is anxiety. You are right though the more anxious you get the more ill you feel.

21-11-12, 17:50
Do they do tests or just pass it off as anxiety?

21-11-12, 18:39
I have had a lot of blood tests (loads in fact) chest x rays, ultrasound, but I am waiting for colonoscopy and endoscopy as I do not feel right. I have had GP tell me I am healthy but I sure do not feel like it. I get very very confused with difference between anxiety and physical . I used to have a fear of the doctors but like I say now visit weekly mainly for reassurance , they know I have HA and do there best to make me feel calmer about things.

---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 18:38 ----------

forgot also had brain MRI scan

21-11-12, 18:48
Please everyone reading this, check out my forum topic,
I need advice and I need help :(

21-11-12, 19:04
i cant see ur post HM2012?

21-11-12, 19:06
yes I was going to ask where is it??

21-11-12, 19:34
Do they do tests or just pass it off as anxiety?

I have had various tests done to rule out other problems but they have all come back fine and now I just accept the symptoms as anxiety.