View Full Version : Anxiety taking over!

20-11-12, 19:27
Hi, I am new to this site and have not started a thread before. I have tried to give advice to others and take comfort from other threads/advice.
I am so anxious and low tonight. My anxiety returned with a vengeance a few weeks ago when I started to develop a throat infection and struggled to swallow. This developed into toncilitis and I was prescribed diazapam as well as beta-blockers to calm my anxiety about my health. My toncilitis had almost cleared up when I visited the doctors Monday (after two weeks on antibiotics) and I was feeling much brighter. Today though my throat has been painful and when i have looked in the mirror I have white spots on my tonsils again. I am so scared that it is coming back now and why is is coming back after all these antibiotics? I can't bear it and don't feel strong enough to deal with this anymore. I have two small children and I should be cherishing every moment with them, not upset and scared to death like this. I dont know what to do. My husband says not to panic and I might feel better in the morning but that seems such a long way away and what if I feel worse? I just don't know what to do? Ive just had enough of feeling like this.

20-11-12, 19:36
(((hugs))) ive suffered from this in the past and sometimes its taken 2 or 3 lots of anti bitotics to get over it - the white spots is simply the tonsilitis and nothing to worry about, pop back and get some more antibiotics xx

20-11-12, 19:50
I feel my doctor is dismissing the tonsilitis and cant understand why I am worrying so much. He just keeps saying it can take time. I'm so fed up with it all :(

20-11-12, 20:13
sometimes tonsilitis can be a bugger to shift, drink plenty and please its really nothing to worry about sweetie xxxx

20-11-12, 21:04
Thank you, I feel my family are losing patience with me. It all just seems so desolate at the moment, like there is no end to this fear.

20-11-12, 23:11
20 years ago I spent nearly 2 years getting tonsillitis every 2 weeks. I would take antibiotics for a week and it would go but come back after 2 weeks. I moved to France and went to dr there and he sent me for blood tests to have tonsils out. Waiting list was 4 days but in the meantime there was a devastating flood with people drowned and I lost everything and had to come back to uk. I went on nhs 7 month waiting list and finally had the tonsils out. Magic no more sore throats. I used to pick the white bits out of the infected pockets in my tonsils with my little finger nails, I was so desperate. It actually helped reduce the inflammation but I don't recommend it. Sounds disgusting doesn't it. Push your dr and ask for a referral if this keeps going on. It's too easy to get palmed off. Don't worry that it's something worse. It's not. You will be ok. I think the being run down from it also feeds the anxiety. Deep breathing. Xxx

21-11-12, 00:02
My son is going through this right now, he has strep throat, (not sure if it is the same as tonsillitis) and boy oh boy I have never seen tonsils so big, I feel so bad for him. He can barely swallow. He also has white spots on the tonsils. He is on his second round of antibiotics, this is very common, and finally getting better. I hope you will feel better soon.:hugs:

21-11-12, 08:35
Thanks for all your support. I ended up going to the out of hours doctor who said continue to rest and i'd be surprised how many people he is seeing with similar symptoms that wont budge.
there is so much amazing support on this site, i'm so lucky to have found you all and thanks again. Hopefully I can help you too if you need it :hugs: