View Full Version : Breathing problems due to anxiety

20-11-12, 19:54
For the past 3 months I have suffered from anxiety which I feel to be quite extreme. My main problem is the feeling that I can't breathe, I have stopped going out with friends, eating as much and just generally being scared to do anything as this constant thought is in my head, I know I can breathe as I have been breathing fine a few months ago! I just feel very hopeless and like nothing can help :mad: any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you x

20-11-12, 20:05
Hmmm when I started with panic attacks for the very first time last year, I was beside myself and I got all the symptoms but not all in one go! As my panic attacks became more and more frequent I would increasingly tick another of the panic attack ' text book' symptoms off the list! I thought well at least I don't get the breathing thing:scared10: oh my GOD , when I did get it, I GOT IT and got it bad! I couldn't have a conversation with anyone, I'd be soo aware of my ' dodgy ' breathing , I once put the phone down on my bother , baring in mind I'm a serious chatterbox ( on all my sch reports & even as an adult Im known 4 it) ! I had to go to bed when family came , I couldn't cope, it felt like I was gasping for air! Oh my gosh I'm not writing anymore in case it sets it off & I've not had it in ages, I couldn't bare it again, sorry!

Tapping exercises & the thing I found the best was ,believe it or not - crocheting. Sad but true.
Destraction is key!!!

Takecare x

20-11-12, 20:10
Sorry to hear that you had it and thank you very much for your advice :)
Take care x

20-11-12, 20:42
I have this problem and the only thing that stops me constantly checking my breathing is breaking my daily routine. I shallow breathe a lot of the time and have a habit of doing this when I am at home and resting, so I take the dogs out for a walk to break the cycle, or go to the shop, anything to take my mind off feeling as though I cannot breathe. I don't know what the long term solution to this problem is, but hopefully eventually it will go away on its own.

20-11-12, 20:44
Thank you I will definitely give it a try!
Izzie :)

30-12-12, 22:43
I have this problem as well as numerous other anxiety symptoms. What I don't understand is how can I feel so breathless and I mean that breathless I feel like I am gong to faint ,when my Oxygen levels are 98 per cent. I know this as the last time I had a panic attack and went to A and E , they tested them and said my oxygen levels were normal. They sure do not feel normal.
It is a horrible symptom though, but I agree with BobbyDog, keeping busy or distraction does seem to help.

30-12-12, 23:02
Yes it's an awful symptom, one that seems to be effecting my life a lot but going to keep trying to distract myself and hope one day it will pass, hope you are ok x

30-12-12, 23:07
Thanks Izzie , hope you are doing ok, lets hope it passes soon. xx

30-12-12, 23:20
Yes it's an awful symptom, one that seems to be effecting my life a lot but going to keep trying to distract myself and hope one day it will pass, hope you are ok x
sorry for late post. but i to have the breathing problem. i had it tonight well & tea_time. so disturbing. if it wasn,t for that & my obsession with my heart i think i,d b ok.

30-12-12, 23:31
Yes me too i worry about my heart all the time! Are you getting counselling or anything?