View Full Version : why cant i socialise?

20-11-12, 21:31
im finding it really hard to socialise i saw my sister today for the first time in 6 months and i was so anxious i couldnt take my mind off myself worrying about how i was feeling the whole time and i only see her for 20 mins bumped into her in the street.I walked away feeling awful as the adrenaline got pumping as we know cos of my anxious mind and i felt so giddy unbalanced like i was drunk just horrible then the hot flushes started i felt truly awful walking home.I just want to be able to have a conversation without feeling rubbish.The other thing is i dont feel as though im progressing im agarophobic and ive only just started going out 2 months ago just locally and im not feeling any relief ive high anxiety all day symptoms raging.Cant even watch telly without tension rising and anxiety.Just want a break people talk about having good days and bad but im not having any good days im lucky if i get a peaceful 10 mins and thats when im not thinking about myself.Wish i had a button i could press that released adrenalin cant take pills im allergic to them.I guess i have to keep going facing fears just wanted some encouragement and support ppppllllleeeeaaasssseee!!!!!!:weep:

claire x

20-11-12, 21:50
When my anxiety is at its worst I find it hard to socialise and just want to hide away. Speaking to someone in the street or in a shop is the hardest as it just makes me feel like I am going to faint. I think you are being a little hard on yourself though..you have made progress as you have started to go out which is a really big thing for you so well done for that. I know it feels like it will never get better but it will. Have you had any sort of therapy? If not maybe your doctor could refer you for CBT? :hugs::hugs:

20-11-12, 22:10
Hello Annie thankyou for replying to me.I am having therapy at home been having it a few weeks seeing a trainee psychologist she says im really doing well i can go to shops now and go just around the block in my dads car and i feel good that i have achieved those things but the social thing is a big fear for me and supermarkets.I guess i just want to overcome them.I do try to relax my muscles when anxious and breathe slowly but dont get relief.I know how u feel about the fainting i felt like that today and she is my sister.I know its not my sister its me learning to cope with myself.Im being very impatient arent i?xx

20-11-12, 23:35

You say you're allergic to pills but it can't be all types of medication. Has your doctor suggested beta blockers which can really help reduce the physical symptoms you're experiencing?

Pip x

21-11-12, 07:13
You have made so much progress in such a short space of time. Focus on all the positive changes you have made to your life recently. You need to retrain your brain not to release adrenaline is situations which are not life threatening, this will take time. Keep going to the shops, out for walks, in the car, meeting people and eventually you will feel comfortable is these situations. I fully understand where you are coming from as I have all the same symptoms as you do when interacting with people, don't give up.:)

21-11-12, 09:31

You say you're allergic to pills but it can't be all types of medication. Has your doctor suggested beta blockers which can really help reduce the physical symptoms you're experiencing?

Pip x

I would second that. I am intolerent to most medication but beta blockers help me a little .I would discuss that with your GP

21-11-12, 09:47
Hello i have tried citalopram,fluoxetine,prozac,amitryptiline none of these agreed with me.I have tried beta blockers aswell and they made me sick.Wish i could take pills to help me.Il have to keep going until one day i get some relief.Thankyou everybody for ur help and support makes me feel better.

Lots of love

claire xx

21-11-12, 20:17
Ive tried a lot of medication, I have a bit of a problem making myself feel even more ill because i know that i have taken medication, so i don't take anything now, not much help for you granted, but it is just about manageable...ish.....sort of :)

21-11-12, 20:35
Hi Claire
I also find it hard to socialise at times.
The more I think I'm going to have a panic/anxiety attack the worse I am.
Try to focus on something else that will take your mind of how you're feeling.
I try this sometimes although it is hard, and doesn't always work, for me anyway.
The more you do this the easier it will become to socialise.

Hope this helps x

22-11-12, 11:49
You're doing amazingly well right now, I'm struggling to even make it to the end of my drive right now so to be going out locally is an ultimate dream for me!

I think you've had more good days than you feel, just keep focusing on what you've achieved so far. Keep at it with your hard work you're doing really well!