View Full Version : Costochondritis...and i am panicking

21-11-12, 05:31
hi all , its been a while since my last post..and well here iam again,stressing out from day to day anxiety,not able to work,away from my family...and now costochondritis and iam really panicking...dont know how to relax my self feels tight and stiff the whole day and my mind is racing...

21-11-12, 08:07
Is that a diagnose a doctor gave you?

21-11-12, 08:41
Hi, I have had costo for about 3 years know. If you need any help let me know, but as justina ask is that what the doctor has told you it is or have you just been googling.

21-11-12, 16:47
i have been diagnosed by costochondritis a week ago,started out as a painful breast which i was freaking out wont sleep because of so worried,then finally i went to the hospital doctor checked me and found no lumps and lymphnodes and finally he checked the the side of my ternum and pressed down there s the pain..gave me celebrex and gel.My anxiety is so over the roof the mistake i had is try and google and read diffrent things about it so ifeel totaly a mess

21-11-12, 17:01
Costochondritis is harmless - it is however very painful, and very much caused by stress - try a nice hot bath, relaxing will help relax the muscles which will stop the pain but believe me when I say it is NOT a serious condition :hugs:

21-11-12, 18:28
i have been diagnosed by costochondritis a week ago,started out as a painful breast which i was freaking out wont sleep because of so worried,then finally i went to the hospital doctor checked me and found no lumps and lymphnodes and finally he checked the the side of my ternum and pressed down there s the pain..gave me celebrex and gel.My anxiety is so over the roof the mistake i had is try and google and read diffrent things about it so ifeel totaly a mess

Hi pepperutchie, Yeah that sounds like costo. You will find people have asked if that is the doctors opinion because of it being chest pain alot of people would check the internet and misdiagnose.

Right everytime I see someone online who has costo I always point them in the way of this blog http://www.ergomatters.co.uk/blog/rsi/costochondritis-a-pain-in-the-chest/ it is short but very well written and it has loads of good advice on how to deal with costo and the pain it can cause.

One of the best ideas on it is the pillow trick when in bed to help keep pressure of the sternum whilst sleeping is to hug a pillow close as it helps with the pain by like I said keeps pressure of the sternum and also helps put heat into the area in turn helps with recovery.

I have used the blog and have posted to it on a few times.

Hope it helps. Chris

22-11-12, 06:49
Thanks Sophie and Chris ..really helps me a lot,having this sensitized nerveand adding this kind of worries really put my day in its worse day ever...