View Full Version : Can anxiety symptoms harm you?

21-11-12, 08:56
I have so many anxiety symptoms, dry mouth, shaking, feelings that it will never get better, sweating, being sick, hot flashes! I am told that if I ignore them or just go with the feeling they will go, but I think I worry how much more my body can take of these constant symptoms and whether they are harming me.

Thanks or reading.


21-11-12, 09:12
Sal I had all these and felt exactly like you are, please just take it minute by minute , it is so so hard and you can't ignore them because you felt so lousy, it is just the medication working, try and think of it like that, I can't remember if you have Some diszapan or not but that helped on really bad days for me, just one yo give some relief for a couple of hours.

Please contact me if you need help, I cent do much but understand how you feel, iambic at work but not far from a computer all day, it I'd my birthday but hubby not very well which is rare do he is off work today.

Take care


21-11-12, 10:01
Hi Sal

Sorry to see your struggling with horrible anxiety symptoms i totally understand as i have them 24/7.The symptoms cant harm you its our tired minds and tired nervous system causing the symptoms not nice i know.Have u read a book by Dr Claire Weekes self help for your nerves its very good gives u an insight into anxiety its not expensive u can get it off amazon.It explains alot it may help u understand and reassure u that these feelings and symptoms are scary but not serious and cant do u any damage or harm.

claire xx

21-11-12, 19:37
No one has ever died from anxiety or a panic attack, (Ive just got to start believing that now lol) :)

Kind regards


21-11-12, 19:59
Aw thank you so much everyone! I am going to look that book up, thank you!Keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on too! I think it is the side effects and so just the tablets making the anxiety worse. But, it is not nice. I hope it goes soon.

Claire, I know what you mean about 24/7, as they never seem to go. If one symptom does stop, bam, another one hits me!!

Richie, that is true no one has died, it is just so uncomfortable I cannot imagine that I am healthy and this anxiety is not damaging me. But if we keep telling ourselves this, we will believe it eh?

Janine, you are so lovely! Again, what would I do with you!! Is it your birthday today??? Happy Birthday!!i hope your hubby spoilt you rotten today xxxx

21-11-12, 20:09
I hope so lol, just seems a bit of a chore these days having to tell myself so much but not feel any different :(

.... never mind lottery win on the weekend could solve it, treat my anxiety to a few cocktails on the beach (and maybe a couple of negative thoughts too if its lucky :) )

21-11-12, 20:18
I think indirectly mental health issues such as depression/anxiety can cause ill health mainly because people that are depressed or anxious may have a higher rate of drug abuse such as smoking, alcohol or even more higher drugs. People that are clinically depressed or anxious can avoid things like joining a gym or even leaving the house for proper exercise. All these factors can contribute to a decline in health.

21-11-12, 20:32
Hang in there, Supersal:)
I read somewhere on the internet that the initial anxiety is a good sign because it indicates that the med will work for your anxiety. There was no source given, but it was claimedthat it was shown in research ( sorry for my bad English)

Happy birthday, Janine:)

21-11-12, 21:34
Thankyou Supersal and Piano. I wrote my message on my tablet this morning and have just noticed how many spelling mistakes I made. it is a wonder you made sense of it.

Not had too bad a day, we did manage to go out for a meal, like you Piano the other day my mum rang not to wish me Happy Birthday but just to be horrible really so she has managed to hurt me again. Trying not to let it affect me but it is hard. My sister said why can't she be a normal mum.

Anyway hope you are both ok, I had also heard that if you feel bad it indicates they are working even though it is hard to believe it when you feel so rotten.


21-11-12, 23:14
That is hopeful. Perhaps the worse the anxiety the better the otherwise will feel!! How are you now Piano?

I am a bit worried about Dee has anyone heard from her?

Glad you ha a good birthday Janine. What did you mum say? That really is not fair xxx

22-11-12, 09:30
I am worried about Dee having been thinking about her all week as she has not posted for about a week, I will pm her and ask as we were pm ing a lot a couple of weeks agp when she was really bad.

I will post it on our old post if I hear anything back and also tell you what my mum was like.

Hope you do not have too bad a day today.
