View Full Version : Feeling Of Lump Or Food Stuck In Throat ??

21-11-12, 11:16
seriously gonna scream/cry its still happening whenever i eat i get the ball feeling just below ribs in center & also in throat like i need a big burp to clear it or like a tablet or small piece of food is sitting in my throat and wont move but its sending me in to total panic attack....why is this happening ?? i used to get this when i was suffering bad last yr with my panic attacks but not had it since..

Does anyone get this ?? i thought it was globus pharyngeus or something like that x

am constantly swallowing 24/7 to try moving it then i just found this - The discomfort or irritation in the throat can be made worse by repeatedly clearing the throat or the constant action of swallowing. Stress and anxiety seem to make the problem worse

21-11-12, 12:17
Hello Honey... This is definatley common with people who suffer from anxiety. I know it's hard not to but try not to focus on it and will go away with realising. xx

21-11-12, 12:31
MissHDynamite its stressing me out constantly feeling like i need to burp but it wont budge :( i keep thinking its something major i no nothings is most prob stuck in my throat but its just the feeling x

21-11-12, 12:33
I was out shopping about six weeks ago and the same thing happened to me. All of a sudden I felt like something was stuck in my throat. It's slightly better now, but its lasted ages a was with me constantly for abut 4 weeks and had me major freaking out. Doc said anxiety. Yawning is supposed to help, I've also found sucking a sweet helps.

21-11-12, 12:38
I understand where your coming from Honey.. keep trying to think logically aboiut it and understand it is just your anxiety and it will pass :)

Get yourself a snack and a warm drink and that will put your mind at rest that nothing is "stuck". If you trying to keep swallowing you will only keep noticing it and make your mouth dry. If you have you got any boiled sweets or mints etc in?... keep sucking on on of those and distract yourself with something.. even if it's the tv :hugs:

21-11-12, 18:06
The throat feeling has finally settled its just the raw feeling between my ribs & belly button right in center :(