View Full Version : Saying hi and thank goodness this site exists.

21-11-12, 15:26
Hello everyone. I have been reading articles for some time on this website and thought I could join in every now and again.
I'm so glad that this site exists and glad I can read other people's stories.
My story in particular is possibly about peri-menopause.
I had a major anxiety attack in September and at the time it was stress-related.
Two months on, blood tests and several calls to the G.P. I'm still trying to establish if it is peri menopause or some other condition.
I guess I am looking for a cure, or relief from the loss of control and trembling that I get on occasion.
I was hoping to build up my business venture whilst my children are at school. But nothing is getting off the ground.
I've changed direction in what services I provide so that it doesn't tax my health, but now I'm left feeling uninspired and unsure what I ought to be doing.
I know that the recession is hurting a lot of people, as it is we are in debt and I don't think we'll be able to pay it off comfortably.
Although my partner's and my family could help us, my pride wants to make sure we can provide for our future.
But it's not just about money. It's the certainty that I'll be okay and live a long and happy life, to be strong for my children and getting back to the person I once was.
I hope to contribute and give support as much as possible to you all as well.
Thank you for reading. :)

21-11-12, 15:38
Hi Dreamer71

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-11-12, 16:33
Hello Dreamer :) It is a fab site and the people here are so nice and help as much as they can.. they have helped me a lot over the past few weeks. It is also nice to be able to share experiences to help others too :hugs:

Your loss of control and shaking is a classic sign of anxiety but definatley worth getting your hormones checked out as they can affect us with similar symptoms. I always say, get everything else checked out first and then we know if it is anxiety so we can get on the right road and begin to make it better :)

I understand where your coming from with the "trying to keep the family together" but always remember you are still your parents daughter and they want to help.. there is no shame in that as that it what families do and I am sure you would be only too happy to help if your children were having a little tough time no matter what the age :hugs:

If you feel a little help would benefit, take it. Don't forget the old saying "pride before a fall" so the best thing you can do for your family is to look after yourself and use the help offered.. there is always another time for you to repay the favour, when your back up and running and you will be :) x

22-11-12, 08:04
:welcome: Dreamer 71

22-11-12, 18:31
Thank you for the welcome.
MissHDynamite, that was lovely saying I am my parents' daughter. I forget that they would be concerned about me, I always thought I could cope.

I am chasing up my results tomorrow and to talk things through with the G.P.
Having looked through a lot of the posts in the forum, I didn't realise that anxiety can last for a very long time. This scares the hell out of me. I thought by taking citalopram (as I have done 18months ago) that it will help clear things up or that by the time menopause is official all will settle.

It seems I'm in this for the long haul, I'm scrambling to make a lot of lifestyle changes, I don't drink, so cutting the cigarettes, caffeine, white sugar, processed food and carbs. I'm losing weight, which is a good thing, but for the wrong reason. I ought to be at least 3-4 stone lighter for my height.

Edit: I dont have a vanity issue, I'm happy with my appearance.
Just had a whole afternoon of fluctuations, where 50 thoughts clash at the same time: such as - Yep you are losing it big time, and you'll be hospitalised and more likely are dying - or - You are going to do something dangerous -or- its no wonder Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath couldn't cope, they were to smart for this world, life isnt the answer....How bloody awful to go through all this, I dearly just hope this is just because of hormones.

I'm using Kalms and mind over matter at the moment.
I do wish the best for all who are suffering, and relief is there for you too.