View Full Version : Weird sensations in head whyyyy!!

21-11-12, 16:21
Hi its me again, I thought i would be alot better now after having all my blood tests come back as normal but im getting these weird sensations in my head and they just come over me. Im not panicing or thinking about it so why is it happening everythings come back normal. I thought i was getting these attacks because i was worried something was wrong with me. I also just get this gagging feeling like i cant breath and that starts me off and i wasnt even thinking about it!! Im kind of concerned that the problem might be in my head that bloodtests couldnt pick up. I really want to try and get over this without going to the doc again and going on meds! Does anyone elsde know why i might be getting these feelings and has anyone else had them?? My head feels like im drunk, very light headed , strange like i want to black out!!!!:mad:

25-11-12, 09:38
Hi there, I know what you mean I struggled with that for a long time. I had these sensations i couldnt say i had a headache or pain, it was just an odd sensation and i was convinced something wa wrong inside my head. I also thought they would go when i was told i was ok, but they didnt for sometime. Firstly the very fact you say what if the blood teste didnt pick something up in your head shows you do still have anxiety about it. I know you are saying that because you still have the head sensation, but you have to remember that ok, you have the head sensation but it isnt anything to worry about. The more anxious you get about still having it the longer it will last.
The sensation will last a while, it wont go immediately as it didnt come suddenly, it would have built up and anxiety and stress has caused it. So it will take a time for the muscles to relax and the adrenalin to settle down, as everytime you worry about it again it triggers those things off. It's really hard and frustrating because these thins last after you have come to terms with them. I can remember wanting to scream at people but if i didnt have the symptoms i wouldnt be woried and causing more stress... i feared the symptoms more than what they were caused by in the end. It's such a vicious circle, but good luck ... thats my experience anyway x

25-11-12, 21:15
I can relate too!

When I first had my panic attack and anxiety 6 years ago, I would get funny feelings in my head like it felt "fuzzy" or get tingling sensations. Through time, I was able to cope with it because I rationalized that if I haven't passed out or fainted from it, then it will cause no harm. Unpleasant yes, but I know that it's a pure "garden-variety" symptom of anxiety.

Just remember, anxiety is exaggerations of normal bodily stress, so no need to worry. :)