View Full Version : In an absolute state!

21-11-12, 16:48
My wisdom tooth infection has gone, but since 2 days ago my left tonsil became swollen and non sore, it has quite a lot of white stuff in the crypts, my left one isn't swollen but has some white over it aswell, I wake up with a little throat pain but not like normal tonsillitis. Also the gland in my neck that usual swells up when I get tonsillitis has come up and is sore and tender, plus one under my chin is sore and tender!
I'm dead worried because of the big C word and don't understand why my tonsi, has swollen if I've been on anti biotics for a week!
Surely anti biotics would have cleared any infection up or could the bacteria from my tooth spread to my tonsil and it's just swollen without pain?
I couldn't bring myself to go to the doctor today as I'm at my mums house and her doctors are just awful, have to wait till monday to see my actual doctor and I'm absolutely terrified.
If I had cancer effecting the tonsil would it have swollen only a little and then stopped or would it have carried on growing?
Would my gland be up and painful? or painless?
Also would cancer in my tonsil grow straight away or would it take time for it to swell up?

I'm going crazy!!

21-11-12, 18:31
Hey, I am pretty sure cancer would not grow in that amount of time!!!! Not in 2 days!
Tonsils are there to help fight infection so thats what its doing.
Throats are funny things, i know because i get frightened of anything in regards to my mouth and throat!
Maybe call NHS direct if u cant get to your dr or go to out of hours dr and put your mind at rest xx