View Full Version : Fear/anxiety of leaving my child

21-11-12, 18:49
My son is 4 and I'm so anxious about leaving him with other people, my inlaws have mentioned a few times how they would love to have him overnight (which hasn't happened since he was 16 months old!)I worry something will happen if I'm not there, they always go shopping early Saturday morning and they have asked to have him next Friday night, my huge worry is they will take him to the supermarket and he will get lost or taken!
Anybody else have this awful fear?

21-11-12, 19:51
I didn't like my children out of my sight when they were younger and even now they are grown up and left home I still worry about them but having said that I DID let them go other places. They stayed overnight at their grandparents, They need to bond with their grandparents and I hope when I have grandchildren they will come to stay with me. My parents also used to take them away for weekends and my kids loved that time. Although I worried, I had to think of what was best for my kids and there will come a time when you will have to let him go other places, sleep overs with friends etc. so this may be a good place to start. xx

21-11-12, 20:00
I understand you, I feel the same about my kids, two of them are a little bit bigger than your son so they do actually go to places without me, and I can handle it. It is necessary to let them do things.

Maybe it would be easier for you if you actually told your son's grandparents about your fears! Not in a way that make them feel you don't trust them, but more like " I have such silly thoughts, I even imagine that he can run away from you at the supermarket" If you can speak about it with them maybe you will feel better?

This said, I totally understand your fear:bighug1: but it's a fear we must fight...it is no good for the kids.

21-11-12, 21:15
Thank you both, I know I need to pull myself together I've always tried to hide my anxiety from him and to let him do things that he should be doing. Maybe I could allow him to stay per but pick him up before they go to the supermarket, or I will try and explain to them what my fears are.
Thanks again for yor advice