View Full Version : HOSPITAL

18-08-06, 16:25
HI Everyone,

I have really missed this place the past 5 days cos my daughter was taken into hospital. We have just arrived home now and I feel exhausted.
Dont know if you remember she was being sick on my birthday 12th aug ? anyway I had to get doctor out cos she couldnt stop vomiting,
shes been so Ill, and vomited for 7 days and in the end she was vomiting up blood !
thats when I started getting scared but the hospital were good and had her on anti nausea medicing and a drip.
It turns out her stomach lining split and thats why she was getting blood (lots of it), now shes on a medicine to line her stomach.
But we are home :D and although shes very weak and skinny im glad to say shes getting her appitite back already.......
shes eating chocolate [}:)]

Dont know if you like hospitals ? but I found it very stressful sleeping there, pretending I am NORMAL lol, dealing with doctors and nurses and trying not to cry for my daughter when she was passing out [xx(]

Now my house needs a good clean :(


18-08-06, 16:41
Hi Mirry,

So glad to hear your daughter is better. I know you must have found it stressful but you sound like you handled it and for that I must say well done. I know your daughter found it comforting that you were able to stay with her. Now you take a rest, the house can wait...


"Our thoughts are our reality"

18-08-06, 16:45
A big well done to you for staying calm and collected, it must have been hard.

Another big step of progress...wel done.

Glad your Daughter is feeling better - sounds very nasty!!!

Hay x

18-08-06, 17:11
mirry you brave soul

soo glad shes better


18-08-06, 17:30
Well done for coping, Mirry.

Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better now.

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

18-08-06, 18:22

Well done mate on coping with things we all don't like coping with.

So glad your daughter is on the mend now :):):)


Love Piglet xx

18-08-06, 19:15
well done mirry
so glad your daughter is better
that is great news

we are all stronger people after having this

polly daydream
19-08-06, 01:08
Hi Mirry, well done for coping with the hospital and am very glad your daughter is ok.

Take care,

Polly x

19-08-06, 10:02
Hi Mirry,

Well done you for coping so well. Glad your daughter is feeling better.

Take Care



19-08-06, 10:39
Hi Mirry

Congratulations on your success at the hospital (here's to onwards and upwards (",). I'm so glad your daughter is better

Take care

Clare :)