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View Full Version : Me and my problems...

21-11-12, 19:53
Hello everyone, I'm not sure if I'm at the right place but to be honest I'm a little lost.... My story is as follows:-

I'm 37 married with 2 young kids and know I have issues :(

Most of my teens I struggled with my throat and it seemed I was choking or couldn't swallow properly. It took many many years for me to eventually convince the doctor to sent me to ENT and they diagnosed me with GERD. Put me on lanaprozole and it's made huge improvements.

About 5 years ago I suddenly developed tinnitus. It took a good 6 months for me to convince the doctor it wasn't a head cold and finally got in confirmed by an audiologist. They sent me for an MRI scan to be safe but all turned out fine. I then developed shaking of my hands a year or so later and was diagnosed with essential tremor. Again was sent for another scan but again found nothing...

Six weeks ago I hurt my back, the doctor said it would take approx 8 weeks to get better but instead of waiting I went to a chiropractor and think I fixed the issue relatively quickly. Since then I've had bouts of pins and needles in my legs / arms, now been struggling with aches and pains in my thighs / calves and arms.

I always seem to be worried I have cancer/ms or other similar diseases but am sure it's all in my head. Im currently going through a few minor money troubles and always seem to have many things on my mind.. :(

Google has been my worst enemy in relation to searching what's wrong with me.. And now I'm worrying what all this aching is....

So maybe it's the right place for me who knows...

Sorry for the very worded post, but hopefully have got some of it off my chest!


21-11-12, 19:58
Google is every ones worst enemy!! have you seen your doctor recently about your symptoms? It is always best to mention them to your doctor but yes they could be anxiety symptoms and your doctor will be able to help with your anxiety too. I am sure you will find lots of support here also. xx

21-11-12, 20:05
I've very recently changed doctors, had the initial nurse consultation yesterday and will be booking an appointment tomorrow for next week... It was actually funny in the consultation thenurse said to me, you seem to have the weight of the world on your shoulders !

The funny thing is I thought I seemed quite fine !

21-11-12, 20:11
A very observant nurse :)