View Full Version : chest pain and breathing problems

anx mum
21-11-12, 21:21
Im so scared my anxiety is bk and skyhigh im getting chest pains mainly in middle and under left breast and i feel like i cant get a breath i keep sighing. I feel like my breathing is shallow and will stop. Having a holter monitor tuesday for 24hrs as my ecg showed missed beats. My doctor believes this is anxiety and many of u know ive had it before but im so scared everyday is a struggle:weep:

21-11-12, 21:29
You will get there in time once you ignore it again like last time - then it will right itself and this will all be in the past again like it was.

anx mum
21-11-12, 21:32
Thanks nicola this takes over your life its awful

21-11-12, 21:46
I understand exactly how you feel, I am experiencing the same it feels everyday is a chore x

anx mum
21-11-12, 22:17
its awful isnt it

21-11-12, 22:31
Yep! Do you have it constantly or in waves?

anx mum
21-11-12, 22:36
most of time hun really getting me down. Do u have it all the time?

21-11-12, 22:36
Yes, it is getting me down too had it for about 2 months now and seems to be all I think about! X

21-11-12, 22:46
hope you are both better - i have had it too in the top right by my collar bone, it went after a week when i forgot about it then i got another pain to think about in another part of my body- try to distract yourself and the beats should come back to normal xxx good luck

21-11-12, 22:54
Thank you mimie xxx

22-11-12, 04:26
I'm the same too, it's awful, chest pains & breathing are my biggest issue, probably my only issue, at the moment I'm in a situation where a think "oh know a cant go that far away from home because if a get a chest pain / twinge I'll enter panic mode & it'll take too long to get home" absolutely does my head in anxiety, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!!
I'm guessing smoking doesn't help, do any of you's smoke? Might sound wierd but I often think of quitting, with the mindset these sensations would stop but If they didn't I'd be in a worse place cos at the minute I try to rationalise by blaming my smoking for these sensations it that makes sense.


22-11-12, 12:44
No I don't smoke, but constantly feel like I can't do anything due to "not being able to breathe" it is the worst feeling ever! Is it constant for you too? X

---------- Post added at 12:44 ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 ----------

I know what you mean about not wanting to be too far away from home aswell! It's nice (but not so nice for you) that there are other people feeling this as I thought it was just me and that I was dying or something! X

22-11-12, 13:49
I'm going through a bout of this at the moment as well. My breathing issues tend to surface when I'm overly stressed or the anxiety is high so it's not too often these days thankfully. It does really effect the way I think when I do get it though.

I tend to get pain all across the chest and sometimes in my back too. Often it'll be central to my breastbone as well. The breathing itself feels like I need to take a deep breath but can't. My mind is telling me i'm short of breath but my body isn't responding by panting, it's a weird feeling. I don't get out of breath walking, although sometimes if I lift something heavy I'll feel breathless for a couple of minutes. It's usually worse at night when I lay down, although it never interrupts my sleep. Then I'll go and take a breath and it'll be fine for 10 minutes or so. Gah! :wacko:

22-11-12, 14:11
Yes I know exactly what you mean, horrible feeling, get better soon!

22-11-12, 14:58
Ditto :)

22-11-12, 18:56
No I don't smoke, but constantly feel like I can't do anything due to "not being able to breathe" it is the worst feeling ever! Is it constant for you too? X

---------- Post added at 12:44 ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 ----------

I know what you mean about not wanting to be too far away from home aswell! It's nice (but not so nice for you) that there are other people feeling this as I thought it was just me and that I was dying or something! X

It's not constant as in 24/7 but it's regular! If you wana talk you can pm anytime zx

22-11-12, 19:47
Thank you!

anx mum
22-11-12, 21:04
How r u doing today izzie?

23-11-12, 12:59
not that good keep worrying! You? xx

anx mum
23-11-12, 20:44
This is awful had pain in central of chest under left breast breathing been bad. Im scared im gonna have a heart attack my hubby dont understand hes barly spoken to me today feel alone at home. Dont know how to cope? How r u izzie?

23-11-12, 22:24
Aw so sorry you are feeling like that, I understand totally what you are going through. I have noticed having a hot bah helps me relax and the hot steam opens my airways a bit, how are you feeling at the moment? Xx

---------- Post added at 22:24 ---------- Previous post was at 22:08 ----------

With the breathing is it a certain thing you feel like you can't do, such as taking a deep breathe, or is it that you don't feel it is naturally happening, when I say I feel like I can't breathe it is because I am thinking about it and feel as if it could stop if I don't xx