View Full Version : ESA50 Question 15 Going out

21-11-12, 21:38
Hi everyone, Just looking for a bit of advice I am filling in the dreaded ESA50 form for my partner and I'm a bit stumped on question 15 going out.
My partner can not leave the house sober because of anxiety and panic attacks but he can go out when he's drunk and its dark outside, so do I tick yes he can go out on his own.
the only other thing is at the beginning of the form I said he can't attend a face to face medical as he is house bound because of his anxiety and panic attacks.I don't know what to do:shrug:

21-11-12, 21:51
Hi bebbe.. There should be a page near the back where you can put notes or extra information. In this case I think if you have ticked yes to going out I would put "see notes" and then expalin what you have put here. I suppose if he can only go out when drunk and at night then he he is not completely safe and aware of his surroundings.

If he is having treatment for his panic attacks and alchohol dependancy then put all that information down too.

21-11-12, 22:25
Hi hun :D

My advice on filling these forms in is, TO GET ADVICE. You can get help from your CAB ( citizens advice bureau ) OR your one stop shop, the one stop shop will assign you someone who will come out and go through the from with you and talk through how there mental health effects there day to day life.

get as much evidence as you can, eg letter from therapist or letter from your gp explaing the severity of the situation.

The ESA is a hard benefit to get. I myself am supporting my daughter who has been having major, major mental health problems for a long time and we are finding it dame hard getting this benefit. :lac:I WILL sort this

Mental health issues ARE NOT black and white or yes or no answers, but is seems this is the way these forms are written, SO, THINK of there worse day and fill it in that way.

In answer to your question, NO he can't go out on his own because he has to take drink with him:lac:

Hunny, when filling this form in you know how bad your loved one is but you have to try and think out of the box, so to speak.

eg, he can go out only if its dark and he has had a drink, ohhhh hunny this is NOT real life, this IS NOT quality of life.

I hope this has been of some help.



22-11-12, 07:30
Do not tick yes if your husband cannot go out sober. Tick no and explain your husbands situation. Remember that your husband is being assessed for capability to work. Would an employer be happy to employ someone who can only get out at night or if they need a drink first?

This is a very harsh, inappropriate form which is distressing to fill in as it reduces people to a list of symptoms. However it is vital that you stress how difficult it is for your partner to function on a daily basis in order to get the benefits he is entitled to.

You will need a GP note to support your request for a home visit as these are very difficult to get.

I wish you the very best :hugs:

22-11-12, 13:04
Thank you,everyone for your very helpful advice.