View Full Version : Why can't I be rational?

21-11-12, 21:46
Went back to Doc's again today about post nasal drip that had since July. Different doc this time and she has put me on Vistamethasone Drops for 3 weeks and if that doesn't work is referring me to ENT. Terrified about it!! She mentioned something about she would be more concerned if it was just affecting one nostril - googled that and it says nasal tumour - whoa!!!! in a right state now. Not sure if it's affecting one or both - can't tell but right one seems worse - oh heck - you can see where I am going with this! She also said that she didn't think it was anything to worry about/serious - can't remember now as was in such a state, I wasn't listening any more. Why do I always have something wrong with me just before Xmas or holiday or birthday or New Year etc. etc. Dreading Xmas now as worrying about nose. Why can't I just be rational??

21-11-12, 21:51
First of all why google especially when you have just seen a doctor? It always gives the worst scenario. I am sure your doctor doesn't think it is anything serious, if she did she would be referring you straight away and not waiting. try the drops she has given you, hopefully that will clear it x

22-11-12, 00:24
Thanks Annie, I agree I shouldn't google but I am always searching for answers and stupidly don't trust or rely on the doctor, that's my anxiety brain in overdrive I guess.

22-11-12, 15:43
Yup, thats about right. I never google anything anymore, unless I want to put myself on an extremely anxious state.

There are some really good articles here on the site on how to deal with the anxiety and force yourself to be rational, they have been life savers for me ;) But don't take my word for it, read them once or twice and then think about it and read them again.