View Full Version : I went to the dr

18-08-06, 18:45
Not seen him since I was reducing off my anti ds in June, he said I looked very well and he could tell id gained abit of weight. He asked how I was doing so I first told him how tired I was, headaches, weak legs etc.... he told me to look up and he looked at my lower eye lid which he said was nice & red so he said he was pretty sure I wasn't anaemic.

He printed off a form and said im to have an MOT just to make sure everything is ok but he said he doesn't think im ill as I look too well. He said he is doing a full blood count, thryoid check and he wants to do a check for glandular fever because my glands are up and down.

The form says FBC which I know, Thryoid screen but what is Reffitin (iron????) IMN screen (glandular fever one??) and renal profile including eGFR???

Any ideas?lol!

I feel ok, we had a good chat and I told him about how id felt in the last 3 weeks. He said he is more than happy with my progress and he thinks medication did not benefit me at all. He said im no different to any other young mum of 3 children under 5, totally exhausted and its just a stressful time of year which in my case fuels my anxiety. He said if in a month or 2 I feel more anxious and start feeling low to come back but right now he thinks its just a stressful time for me esp the last 2 weeks with the children being ill and being stuck in.

I think he is right, he knows me quite well so he knows best. I have to ring him in a week or so once my results are in. I am having my bloods done next Thursday so will have all over next weekend to worry aswell

Thanks for everything

Ju x

18-08-06, 20:06
Hi Ju

Glad you are having an MOT it will put your mind at rest, are you feeling better now you have spoken to the GP, I hope so.

Take care

Here if you need to chat or PM.

Elaine x

PS: Just off to see Big Bro, Glyn to win !!!!!!!

18-08-06, 20:25
You sound better - I hope you are quite reassured by what your GP has said.

Regarding your blood tests, I've heard of some of these - the renal profile is looking at kidney function and the eGFR, I believe, looks at how your kidneys are filtering.

I've not heard of the other two, but if no one else comes up with an answer over the weekend I will ask at work when I go in on Monday, and let you know.

I know how worrying it is awaiting tests and results, but just try and focus on how you will feel when it is all over and done with!

Best wishes, Caroline

18-08-06, 20:37

I am feeling alot brighter and more ++++ no point in worrying until I have to ring for the results. I am nervous about that, I hate ringing for them. I also hate needles but not too bothered about that right now.

18-08-06, 23:27

Glad you are feeling brighter, you'll be fine with the needles.

Take care

Elaine x

19-08-06, 00:27
im gad you went the docs hun and good lucky for your results

19-08-06, 10:08
Hi Ju,

Well done for going to doc and good luck with your results hun.

Take Care

