View Full Version : Having Surgery in 4 days...

22-11-12, 03:15
I have severe carpal tunnel in both hamds amd i am required to have surgery. The waiting list was 3-6 months, so i was hoping i would have recovered by then, thus not needing surgery.
Well, i got a call Monday that there was a cancellation for this Monday and was urged to take it. I did, but now im freaking out because i think im going to die during surgery. I think there is going to be some sort of drug interaction and i won't wake up. But I am in so much pain i HAVE to get this done. I don't know if i can go through with it.

22-11-12, 09:11
You can get through this Sandy...just think about past the operation and how well you will be and not have those awful pains from carpal tunnel. You will be fine, sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

24-11-12, 01:27
Thank you! I just about cancelled my appointment today, while i was on hold, my son said to me, "mom, think about how good you will feel after your surgery"! Exactly what you said, thank you. I hung up, two more days! I have to be strong for my kids. I hope i can do this! :bighug1:

24-11-12, 01:34
I am being treated for CTS but they can't decide if I have it or not lol

Good luck

24-11-12, 01:47
Hi, are you sure they are going to knock you out as you put it. My friend had her carpel tunnel done under local anaesthetic and she said it didn't take very long. Either way I am sure you will be fine as it is a very safe type of operation which has been done hundreds of times. Good luck

24-11-12, 01:52
Hi Sandy m

My dad have quite severe carpel tunnel syndrome and the op he had was quite quick and painless,they did his under local anesthesia and he took a few days to recover,it really was nothing major i think it took the surgeon about 20 mins per hand really quite quick.

Hope it all goes well for you.


24-11-12, 07:26
I've been for surgery a few times.
Every time I think I'll die!
But once they take down to the operating room, it's happens so fast.
I'm talking a minute or two lying on the table feeling terrified (I was) youre alseep!
They either use gas or an injection both put me to sleep in seconds. The gas scared me a bit as it goes over your face but 3 breaths later it was all over!

I woke up in a bit of pain, sore throat.
I slept on n off for an hour or so.
I did feel anxious, but then I'd go back to sleep.
When it was time to get dressed, boy that was hard work as my body felt rather heavy and tired.
Now I was a bit wobbly on my feet after, n I cried like a baby over some thing very silly!
It can make you a bit over emotional and sleepy I guess.
But that was only the last time.
The first time I was able to walk down a flight of stairs after.

Have you ever had surgery before?
It's very rare for anything to go wrong when you're getting a simple opperation.

Before my surgeries, I signed some forms, the nurses explained the risks, even asked if I wanted pain medication durning surgery so I wouldn't wake up in pain.

Besides the getting put to sleep part, the worst is that horrible blue gown you have to wear!

24-11-12, 07:39
well surgery is very safe, and the odds that you will die is VERY VERY low. Especially for that kind of surgery. It goes by really fast, you go in, lay there and close your eyes and then you wake up and its over..its that fast. What i did while they were about to make me sleep was think about the future(happy future) like goals and good things. Then you wake up. you don't dream at all so you wont have any bad dreams. you can do it. YOu will be amazed on how much you can accomplish

24-11-12, 17:03
Just think, it is now going to be over very soon, sooner than you thought, so wont then have it to worry about....Think positive and your future and focus on some nice things that you can look forward to once your better..xxx

25-11-12, 06:19
i was the same.. I had my left hand done first.. it was going to be end of October but they had cancellation, i only had 2 or 3 days from letter coming! i urge you to have it done its soooo good to be free of that pain every time i used my hand- or tried to. I didn't realise how much it affected my mood/depression till I was free of it. I had local anasth. i was so scared and nearly ran away, but didn't. all went smoothly I was and am amazed at how seemingly simple it was.:hugs: i do hope this helps you to feel more at ease about it?

02-12-12, 20:45
Thank you everyone!
I did it and I'm still here!
I did go under local anesthetic,and the procedure was approximately 20 minutes.
The only thing that hurt was the needle to numb my hand.
Now when I go for my left hand in a couple of months, i am sure i will feel anxious but not as bad, since i know what to expect.
Thank you, i was so close to cancelling it, glad i didn't!