View Full Version : An Alternative When on Google

22-11-12, 11:05
Hi there,

I just wanted to share something that I have found really has helped me with my google obsession! I am a chronic googler, literally could spend hours looking up things, trying to reassure myself but ending up terrified.

However I have managed to go 4/5 days without googling a symptom. My not sound like much but for me its a big step. I have found that when I end up on google.... as I go to type in my symptom.... I tell myself to stop and the instead google an animal beginning with the same letter as the symptom I was going to google. Distracts and prevents me from searching for the symptom, and often get to see cute picture of animals to cheer you up! I guess the same could be applied to whatever you like, cars, holiday destinations, food.

Not sure if it will help anyone else, but you never know, could be worth a try.
Hope you are all doing well :)

22-11-12, 12:21
I am going to try that, thank you for sharing.

22-11-12, 12:35
Hey, that's a pretty cool idea! Cheers! :) x