View Full Version : I went to the GP today. Diagnosed with anxiety and panic

22-11-12, 12:31
I have posted recently about anxiety and hot flushes. I thought I had rosacea but GP today said the hot flushes I am having in my face are anxiety related. He said it is adrenaline pumping even before anxiety hits, it is my warning sign apparently.

He suggested meds, but as I am allergic to an SSRI he said it only leaves me with trycyclic meds and they aren't ideal, I have been on them before and the one I was on they can't prescribe now.

He thinks I am strong enough to do this without meds as I have in the past. HE doesn't think I am depressed but my mood is starting to drop due to the crippling anxiety I am suffering.

Ok, quick recap.... My Nan died in July, my brother attacked me in September and since then I became quite reserved and a little anxious about going out. I have no contact with him but since the attack and my 'family' taking his side as he has 'mental health problems so he is ill and doesn't know what he is doing' well I have realised how little I mean to them. Then 3 weeks ago when out shopping alone I had a hot flush in my face, made me panic, heart race and shakes.... 4 days later it happened again. I am fine then suddenly my face goes boiling hot, red to look at and I then panic.....

GP said the hot flushes are panic even if I feel fine before they hit. He said adrenaline makes the blood vessels in face open and heat comes through. I am not hot anywhere else but he says the face is anxiety and panic. I told him since these funny turns my mood has dropped, I hate going out alone and avoid it at all costs, all because I am scared of a hot flush causing a panic attack when out alone, or with my kids:-( He said this is why I am feeling low because I am dwelling on it and I can break the cycle by saying 'I feel hot, nothing can happen, it is just a hot flush'.

DOes anyone else get these hot flushes just in the face? How can I tackle this? I am scared of becoming agoraphobic :weep:

I told GP that I want to fight this without meds, yes I am low but it is only since these hot flushes hit as they scare me. I know that sounds very silly.

I have 3 children and I can't let this beat me. I do think what my brother has done has caused this as I have been nervy going out alone since then.

Before these hot flushes I was anxious at times, and a worrier but I still got on with life, went out alone..... I know I am bad if I am not excited that it is pay day tomorrow:winks:

Please can anyone help I would really appreciate it:)

22-11-12, 16:24
Not sure what part of the UK you are in but in Hampshire we have something called iTalk which is CBT on the NHS. I found it AMAZING! I was soooo bad with HA I was crying everyday and convinced I was dying.
ASk your GP about CBT - good luck xxxxx

22-11-12, 16:33
Sorry to hear about all you have gone through. I agree with miggymoggy, I think cbt will be good for you. I take tricylic antidepressants as the others didn't suit me. :hugs:

22-11-12, 16:46
Thank you.

I have had CBT before, it works very well. The waiting list though is so long.

I am currently wait for bereavement counselling.

Not sure what part of the UK you are in but in Hampshire we have something called iTalk which is CBT on the NHS. I found it AMAZING! I was soooo bad with HA I was crying everyday and convinced I was dying.
ASk your GP about CBT - good luck xxxxx

---------- Post added at 16:46 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

Thanks Annie.

I used to be Dothiepin but apparently they can't prescribe that now. SSRI gave me an allergic reaction so the GP said today they can't prescribe them to me. He wants to see if I can get over this blip without meds though. I just hope I can. I think if I can accept the heat flushes are just anxiety and nothing nasty I will be ok.

Sorry to hear about all you have gone through. I agree with miggymoggy, I think cbt will be good for you. I take tricylic antidepressants as the others didn't suit me. :hugs:

22-11-12, 16:48
Dothiepin is what I take and it is prescribed to me...it has a new name now Dosulipin but it is the same. I think it was called prothiadin before Dothiepin.

22-11-12, 16:52
Hi savannah, I suffer with Health Anxiety for the last 4 years (due to caring for my mum who had terminal lung cancer,( I cared for her at home till she passed away).

Anyway I have experienced a wide range of anxiety symtomps (as well as 3 or 4 fullblown panick attacks (went to A and E), From , severe dizzines, pins and needles, palpatations, aches and pains, blurred vision, shakey legs, etc etc etc (yep the list goes on )

Im now having digestive symptoms (indegestion, heartburn etc) however at the weekend I was rushed into A and e again(actually phoned the ambulance myself) with severe chest pain that went right through to my back, thought I was in the throws of a heart attack omg soooooooo scary ! Anyway after 7 hrs of test, chest xray blood test, every thing was fine , so was sent home ! They said it may be have been a combination of severe indigestion with then set of the panic which then gave me the chest pain.....

I was then afraid to eat anything for a week it cased it reoccured, then in the middle of the night all of a sudden I was aware of a rush of heat come over my face (only my face) then a pain sudddenly begin to build right in the middle of my chest again ......Oh No It took me all my will power to lay there (at NOT PANIC) I started my breathing deeply excercisers and kept saying to myself :Im ok, it will pass, it will pass, and after about 5 x's saying this it subsided...."Thank god" ! Now when the "hot flush " starts to build in my face its a sign to slow down,breath and take a minute or to to "relax" and it does work and eventually passes !

Im sorry if Ive rammbled on a bit, but yeah the hot flushes are I think quite common with anxiety and panic ! Hope this ha helped and that you feel better soon, Lynne.x

22-11-12, 17:06
Yes, it was also called that 8 years ago too, but I have been told in our health authority they have been told they can no longer prescribe it.

Dothiepin is what I take and it is prescribed to me...it has a new name now Dosulipin but it is the same. I think it was called prothiadin before Dothiepin.

---------- Post added at 17:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------

Thank you Dusty.

I am so sorry, it sounds like you have been going through alot.

I think death affects anxious people alot, seeing someone you love pass is heart breaking. I know that I have been feeling very grateful for my life since my Nan passed, but maybe deep down it has made me think about my own mortality without me even realising.

The hot flushes scare me so much, but thank you for telling me you also have experienced them.

Hi savannah, I suffer with Health Anxiety for the last 4 years (due to caring for my mum who had terminal lung cancer,( I cared for her at home till she passed away).

Anyway I have experienced a wide range of anxiety symtomps (as well as 3 or 4 fullblown panick attacks (went to A and E), From , severe dizzines, pins and needles, palpatations, aches and pains, blurred vision, shakey legs, etc etc etc (yep the list goes on )

Im now having digestive symptoms (indegestion, heartburn etc) however at the weekend I was rushed into A and e again(actually phoned the ambulance myself) with severe chest pain that went right through to my back, thought I was in the throws of a heart attack omg soooooooo scary ! Anyway after 7 hrs of test, chest xray blood test, every thing was fine , so was sent home ! They said it may be have been a combination of severe indigestion with then set of the panic which then gave me the chest pain.....

I was then afraid to eat anything for a week it cased it reoccured, then in the middle of the night all of a sudden I was aware of a rush of heat come over my face (only my face) then a pain sudddenly begin to build right in the middle of my chest again ......Oh No It took me all my will power to lay there (at NOT PANIC) I started my breathing deeply excercisers and kept saying to myself :Im ok, it will pass, it will pass, and after about 5 x's saying this it subsided...."Thank god" ! Now when the "hot flush " starts to build in my face its a sign to slow down,breath and take a minute or to to "relax" and it does work and eventually passes !

Im sorry if Ive rammbled on a bit, but yeah the hot flushes are I think quite common with anxiety and panic ! Hope this ha helped and that you feel better soon, Lynne.x