View Full Version : Hi guys

22-11-12, 13:49
Ive been increased from 50mg to 100mg of setreline from my gp but i havent taken them yet as im scared to as ive only been on 50mg for 7wks now anybody had bad side effecs or feel more anxious or panicky please reply

22-11-12, 15:57
the worst that can happen is that you feel crap for a bit - you already feel crap so whats to lose?

28-11-12, 18:26
i agree with radoel

28-11-12, 20:29
Hi blonde. Increasing your dosage is always a bit of a scary thought, but ultimately these tablets are prescribed to make you feel better. You've lasted 7 weeks on the medication and I am assuming you've had no major side effects otherwise I guess you wouldn't be taking it.

You may find you have a few different feelings with the increase, and you need to give it a bit of time to get used to it.

If you are feeling so anxious about increasing that you are not going to take them, maybe you could ask your doctor if you could half the tablet so you are taking 75mg, and then step it up to 100mg?