View Full Version : Depression

22-11-12, 14:09
Hi guys

I am an oldie on here, but not been on in quite sometime, but i am having a tough time and just need some advice.

I think my Depression has come back, its been building over last 4 or 5 months i think, but im not sure if its that, or i am just ill, mayb i just thinking really irrationally.

I feel tired all the time, when usually im buzzing, i have no energy, i feel stupid, stressed and even small tasks in my day r just too much, when normally i am great with multi tasking.

I want to shut myself away, but i have 3 kids, 15, 13 and 8, so thats impossible with schools, clubs etc.

I also suffer anxiety and constantly worry for my health, i recently went to my friends 40th birthday and had too much vodka and since sat night, my anxiety has been terrible, dep too.

It made me feel i dont deserve to be here, i felt so low, so i am totally off alchohol now, even though i wasnt drinking much normally, its not good for me and the way it makes me feel after mentally.

I now keep getting aches and pains and thinking i have some serious illness, plus feeling depressed, i just am not coping.

I have recently started and street dance class, to try and help myself and i am enjoying it, i know exercise does help me, also keeping busy during the day helps me to not think too much.

I just wondered how everyone else deals with these thoughts and feelings and how they try to over come them?

22-11-12, 15:30
Hi Marie
I think the best thing is for you to see your doctor and talk over how you are feeling and your worries about your health. If the doc can treat any health issues you may have then you may worry less and start to feel a bit better. I take medication to overcome these thoughts and feelings and I know that some of my problems are menopausal. The AD's have helped and counselling. How did you overcome depressiom before?
Take care Anni x