View Full Version : Really worried about my sister who's is also a mum!!! Advice

Anxious lu
22-11-12, 15:36
So my sister is a 21 year old mother she has a lot on her plate and doesn't get much help at home. She has lately has developed a really bad back. She went to the doctor who said there is little they can can do she needs to rest or will end up on disability.

However havong a two year old doesn't really allow her to do this and now she has the feeling that one of her arms feels heavy and weak to te point she couldn't dish up lasagne this comes be goes but last quite a while. She also has experienced this in her legs And was unable to stand properly until she had sat for a while and I am VERY VERY worried. She won't go to the doctor until January incase it's something bad she wants to enjoychristmas with her daughter!!

I having my niece for a few days but worried its ms or worse?

---------- Post added at 15:36 ---------- Previous post was at 15:19 ----------

To add its the arm she carries the two year old with and the opposite leg.. I wondered if it's where se carries my niece and puts all weight on that leg.

22-11-12, 15:57
My completely non professional experience leads me to suspect she may have a trapped nerve. I had this about 5 years ago and it left my left arm almost completely dead, and accompanied by a really bad back/neck ache.

I was sent to physio and given NSAIDs as well.

I'd suggest she get a 2nd opinion and demand to be sent to a specialist.

22-11-12, 16:36
I would definitely say it's from carrying the little one - my mum works in a nursery and they say you should carry them so they're straddling your front rather than on either side, it sounds like a increased version of having a dead arm or leg, I find if I carry something heavy in one arm then my arm feels like this, and can imagine it would be worse carrying a child around.

Anxious lu
24-11-12, 18:39
Thank you for the replies it ought me back down to earth I was imagining horrible things!!

I wish there was more I could do for her but Uni and work don't provide me the time apart from having my niece to sleep now and then on my day off..

I hope she is okay and takes this seriously as it has scared her. Usually she puts everything off and shrugs it off