View Full Version : Overcoming health anxiety

22-11-12, 16:25
Well folks, my struggle with HA is going well.

Today I strained my neck...while yawning (yes it's stupid). Right after that and with the pain stinging me, I went for a smoke (first one of the day). So while I was trying to massage my neck, my bp started to go down, I started to feel dizzy, a bit numb on the extremities...

So a minute later my old friend came to me with a soft voice saying "maybe you damaged something in your spine, or maybe on the nerves. Who knows what is going to happen to you? Maybe a wheelchair for life over something so stupid as a yawn..."

Almost immediately I felt my bp going up and breathing becoming difficult, thanks to all the shared experiences and articles here on the forum I knew what it was: panic attack coming up to ruin my day.

Instead of giving in to it, I remembered an article I read here about it and followed the instructions:

-Breathe in, count to ten and breathe out
-Access the situation and make sure that all systems work (heart pumps blood, I can move and stand, I can breathe)
-Go and talk to someone

So I stated with the breathing while accessing the situation, next I went to my gf (she was at home at the time) and just told her calmly "baby, I'm having a bit of a panic attack, can you help me count my breathing time?" and she just said "Sure, let's go outside. What happened?"

I told her the story while breathing in and out, and in a few moments I was fine. The neck still hurts, but the panic is gone and no HA to be seen on my mind.

After processing the incident on my mind, I found two points that come to me as positive: first when I told her the story, I admited without even thinking that this was the stupidest panic attack ever, and then the way the whole thing was dealt with, the calm and reasoning that took over the panic and allowed me to overcome the event quickly and without ruining my day.

This adds up with a whole lot of fighting and winning on the last week. Sometimes I feel anxious and now I know that anxiety may trigger those nasty ectopic beats, so without I even noticing it, bad images of panic, suffering and fear start forming on my mind and almost as they show up, I brush them away replacing them with logic thinking and positive images (again, following the tips from another great article here on the site).

This has prevented some unpleasant funky beats on my heart and fear on my mind. It also has helped to lower my anxious states.

My advice to all of you with HA out there is: read the articles! If we read them, think about that the say and struggle to follow the tips they have, HA can be overcomed. It's hard, we fail a lot and it takes time, but with the attempts we develop the necessary mental fortitude to win this. Take stock of your victories and value them (it brings out a lot of positive thinking) and understand your defeats (helps to find out were to strike next).

My HA is not gone yet, that much I know. But after joining this forum and following the advices and shared experiences, I was able to start controlling it and to fight to overcome it. I was also able to distill it to its basic components: anxiety (lots of it) and negative thinking, so now I'm fighting those too. The results are starting to show up, I've had whole weeks of inner peace and tranquility, something I didn't had in years. I'm being able to trully enjoy life again and not just going trought the motions to force myself into a "normal" life.

This is all within our reach, I believe I can win this and that we all can. The site and forum are vital to this process, and I will never be able to thank enough to everyone involved.

I just hope my experience up to this point can be useful to someone else, like the experiences of others were to me, I learned a lot and understood a lot. Yet the struggle goes on, now to vanquish anxiety and bury HA for good! :yesyes:

25-11-12, 06:03
I'm a bit sad, I was expecting some positive reinforcement, maybe some feedback or some love from the good ppl at this forum, but it seems no one likes 'old JackInTheBox :(

25-11-12, 13:53
well done mate :) anxiety is what I like to call a 'sneaky wee cu#t' - it will throw different smypthons at u to try and keep u in its grip

25-11-12, 14:39
Thanks! And you are damm right about that description of anxiety, you never know whats coming on next...We just have to take it and handle it!

25-11-12, 14:52

sorry you didn't get more responses as of yet,but most probably so many of the readers are having a good smoke outside and haven't logged in as of yet :)

Seriously I like many others have HA and you are doing well and seemed light hearted enough in the way you describe your symptoms.Well done, Sir

25-11-12, 15:08
my advice is to not let it stop u from doing stuff and if it plays up remain calm as it wants u to panic.....

25-11-12, 17:01
Sorry, I haven't really been logged on, but I did just read your post, and I think you handled that situation in a very positive manner. Good Job!

25-11-12, 17:11
Anxiety is irrational. Take me for example. I've had two lumbar punctures, a CT with contrast and one without, blood tests, multple manual neurological assessments, checks ups, and eye tests but I'm still scared I'm going to die of a stroke or something similar. Anxiety is a tough thing to kick.

25-11-12, 18:08
The trouble is that when a thought becomes so deeply ingrained, it becomes very hard to rationalise it away. I have read several cog therapy books which have been very helpful, but I am having a bad spell at the moment and my logic just won't kick in enough to shift the anxiety. However, I will get my books and notes out again later and work through the exercises to see if that helps.

Well done for warding off the panic by following the advice. We get good at what we practice - and we have all got good at feeling anxious by practicing worrying about our health. The more we practice being logical and calm, the better we will get at letting the anxiety float away.

25-11-12, 18:41

I am like that and my mind wonders all the time even doing counting breathing exercises or any written task to make me better.One therapist once told me that my subconscious won't let me get better and after 30+ years of this dreaded illness I am beginning to believe her,so I try at least to help others which gives some satisfaction

25-11-12, 19:29
I think with health anxiety uve got to accept its there - now u can let the ******* ruined your life are u can stick two fingers up at it and carry on living your life and accept that you will have good days and bad days....I promise the less u react to smypthons they will subside trust me....it's vital u try to develop a sleep routine that ensures your body is getting adequate rest as when u feel tired anxiety seems worst....I deal with it everyday but iv managed to keep it under control...I would not let the ******* win :)

26-11-12, 04:52
I really appreciate the feedback guys! Thanks everyone and keep it coming!

For a moment there I thought I wasn't handling this the right way, but after reading all the comments on the post I'm more reassured! This is a really thought nut to crack, everyday I try to dive in deeper and deeper into to the root of all this...and it's complex and very challenging. That and fighting off all the HA fits that start to creep in!

@Willywonka: Thats exactly what I feel and what I'm trying to do! You are right on the money regarding the sleep routine, I fail alot at that and I've noticed that anxiety and even low spirits come up very easily at 5 in the morning.

Even my business parter (which is also a close friend since I was a kid and almost a brother) gave me a lecture the other day about that, gf also gives constant lectures about that, so I think should do something about it.

I'm thinking keeping up the workout routine, forcing myself out of bed early for a few days and forcing myself in to bed early also. This is a challenge for me because I'm self-employed (I run a small startup with that friend of mine), so my schedules get a bit messed up sometimes. but I figure these measures might get me going, what do you think?

@Ricardo: I feel your pain... for me HA is rather recent (1 year +/-), but I've suffered with anxiety all my life, to the point I had to repeat my final year at highschool thanks to an ulcer before my college access exams...I was too sick to do them, so I had to wait until next year, it was really frustrating!

But without wanting to second-guess your therapist, if your subconscient is blocking you from getting better, maybe it's time to dive in there and figure out the root of the problem? It's a very difficult thing to do, but it's worth it! I try to do it to figure out what causes my anxiety and it works, it's just like pulling a ball of string, the whole thing starts to unravel itself ;) Hang in there, you'll win this, we all will!

26-11-12, 17:19
yes mate - sleep is vital to overcoming and dealing with anxiety in my opinion...

my sleeping routine would include maybe exercising til 9ish then get some supper and chill out til 10pm...run a nice hot bath for yourself and add some relaxing salts or something that promotes sleep..sit in the bath with the lights out and listen to a relaxation app on your phone and drink some camoline tea - then out of the bath - straight to bed and listen to a glenn harrold relaxation app..youl be out like a light!!