View Full Version : Embarassing

22-11-12, 16:52
This is kinda embarassing, but recently, probably the last couple months i have been getting a lot of flatulence, and it does smell pretty bad.

I've read on line the average is like 15 times a day that some one farts, but mine is wayyyyyyy more than that.

I'm really really paranoid i have a serious digestion disease or something, cause it's not normal. I know at one point it did go away and it went normal.

Now it seems to be back again :(

For the last few months i have been trying to gain weight, and have been eating much much more than i used to, do you think it could be my increased intake of food? I eat a lot of bread, porridge, cheese and ready meals plus a lot of chicken. I don't eat veg except potato as i don't like veg.

I seem to be going okay if you know what i mean, and that seems to stop the problem for a bit.

Its really getting to me cause i'm a really clean person and i don't want people to think i stink or am dirty or anything.

Has anybody else had excessive flatulence? Did it go? If so how?

I looked online and they said it may be an underlying medical condition, and they said if you blood in your faeces, abdominal pain, constipation that i should see a doctor, i don't have any of those things but i am farting way more than the average which is making me think i have a serious problem :(


22-11-12, 17:15
Well, I'm not a MD so take my questions/suggestions/advices with a pinch of salt ;)

If you changed your diet so suddenly your body may be reacting to it, specially if you are not used to eating them.

One question, did you usually eat dairy products (milk, cheese, etc) throughout your life or are you just starting? Smelly, abundant gas is usual if you are lactose intolerant and eat food with lactose.

It is also usual for people with high levels of anxiety/stress to produce more gas or feel "inflated" on the abdominal area. In that case, the gas is a result of digestive juices corroding the walls of your stomach and to avoid them you'll need to worry less and keeping your stomach busy throughout the day with some fruit or maybe a cracker or two.

Do you fit in any of these two? Maybe a trip to the GP might help to figure out the causes and how to fix it?

22-11-12, 18:03
It could be connected to something you are eating. I suddenly got a lot of stomach noise and some gas. After a long time, I finally connected that I was eating probiotics. You would think this would help things, but actually it makes you fart more while your inner bacteria is adusting.

So it could be your diet. You listed a lot of carbs on your daily foods. Carbs also cause a lot of gas.

22-11-12, 22:09
I pass wind all the time. I was told it was part and parcel of my diverticular disease so I don't really worry about it now. It is just awkward if you are with company.