View Full Version : New worry.......blood when I went to the loo!

harrys mummy
22-11-12, 18:10
Goodevening everyone,

Ok so I've been and still am obsessing that I've got MS (numb fingertips) but now theres something new to add to the list!!

This is quite embarrassing but here goes........

I've always had piles and abit of bleeding when I struggle to go to the toilet, when I had my son 8mths ago they were terrible! They have calmed down alot since then, but this last week when I've been to the loo and wiped there has been blood on the tissue and I'm sore. Today was different, it was abit of a struggle to go but when I wiped there was lots of blood down the loo and on the tissue! I don't feel sore today!

Now I'm convinced I've got bowel cancer or something similar obviously as well as MS!!

I'm trying really hard not to go to see Doctor Google but he's calling me!!!

Anyone else had this?

Thanks for reading my yucky post!

Dawn xx

22-11-12, 18:16
Is the blood very red? You can get a lot of blood from piles, also if you have been struggling to go you could have a small fissure which is quite common. If the blood is just on the tissue and in the loo and not in your stools I would say it is either piles or a fissure.

22-11-12, 18:17
I posted about this few weeks ago, same as you blood on paper and quite a lot in the toilet . Went to doctors who diagnosed piles, but did a blood test (full blood count I think) Like you convinced I had bowel cancer etc, but the GP said not and that you do not always get pain with piles, (as I never do get pain). She suggested I drink more fluids anyway to try and avoid constipation. :flowers:

22-11-12, 18:36
As long as the blood is bright red and not massive amounts it is absolutely fine. If there was another cause for it you would be unwell xx

22-11-12, 22:05
I had exactly the same happen to me. Went to doctor who did rectal examination and said it looked like piles and a small cut. Went to hospital where they tied off piles. No more bleeding since. If the blood was really bright red and you have been straining then definitely sounds like piles. My piles never hurt either.

23-11-12, 06:45
you dont always get pain with piles. i bleed to and im never sore. i seriously wouldnt worry, we all get it x

23-11-12, 07:02
Piles and can be internal or external and as stated above one doesn't always get pain.
I agree with all the other comments above having being a sufferer myself many years ago.
A good balanced diet with fibre and a good intake of water should help.

23-11-12, 09:08
I just recently had this same problem, which is what has kick started my anxiety really badly again.

But after having tests done everything came back clear and turned out I just had a stomach virus. The Dr's did tell me that if the blood is bright red then its usually a tear or piles or polyps, something along those lines, its when the blood is very dark that something could be wrong, but always get it checked out, try not to worry too much and call your Dr to help put your mind at ease.


23-11-12, 15:56
Have you tried using some suppositories for piles, you can get them from any chemists or supermarket, when I get like you I use them and they shrink the piles and help with the soreness.

harrys mummy
23-11-12, 20:23
Thanks for the replys guys, I used some spray that I had for after I gave birth, bobs your uncle fine when I went today xx big thanks again for your help xxxxx