View Full Version : Car versus Tree - luckily car won

22-11-12, 18:14
Oh my word... what a moment of panic that was......just left work driving home and came face to face with a fallen tree ..... despite slamming the brakes on i couldnt stop in time but fortunatley the tree wasnt big enough to hurt me. i had a split second of "what's going to happen to me" which was pretty darn scary but luckily the branches didnt come through my windscreen like i thought they were going to. i'm very relieved as i really did expect pain any second. phew. still have to drive home tho as i ended up back at work. been looked after by my colleagues & one of them's gonna drive behind me to make sure i get home ok.
oh my car's not too badly damaged but i really like my car so it's got quite poorly sick bodywork but at least it's drivable.
great start to my weekend; off on hols for a few days.... good job my partners has a car too.....bye for a few days everyone...have a nice weekend, Relieved Me.

22-11-12, 18:18
Oh Tessar what an awful thing to happen to you but really pleased you are not harmed. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

22-11-12, 20:00
cheers annie; back home now, had my tea. pretty knackered. typical as i'd had a really good day too. hasnt put me off driving, fortunately that's something that i like doing. it was kind of my colleague to follow me home, made me feel more confident. bloomin' windy out still.

22-11-12, 20:06
Pleased you are now safely home. It has rained here all day but luckily not too windy (North East).