View Full Version : Minors asking me to buy them courgettes? Am I in the wong?

22-11-12, 20:24
(Bloody spell check) - I meant Cigarettes :D

I was in town with a college friend, About 4, 14-16 year old girls came up to us, asking either of us to buy them a pack of cigarettes, I said no sorry, then we both left, then my friend wanted to buy them some, so we went back, I stood back, while he went upto them to collect money for it, while my friend headed to the shops, I was still behind him,

As I am soo shy, I did not talk to them,
The 4 girls were behind me, and started asking for my name, I said why, then they got rude and kept asking again and again, I did not give it,

I shrugged and said No! then they said, Don't you shrug me, and started guessing my name, saying all sorts of names,

I started to walk away, as I knew buying smokes for minors is illegal, I told my friend that, but he didn't care,

So he bought them a pack, and came to where I was waiting for him out of site!

We then walked off,

But I cant help wonder, that they will set me up or something with the police involved,

and I'm not sure if my friend gave them my name after I walked away!

This has brought my anxiety up!

22-11-12, 20:33
I think mind letting taking over your thoughts , end of day you didnt buy them your friend did so you did nothing wrong irrespective of your intrustive thoughts , dismiss them best you can

22-11-12, 20:39
You did nothing wrong, your friend bought them, not you and a big well done to you for doing the right thing :)

22-11-12, 20:53
Agreed - you were exactly right and did nothing wrong. Groups of teenagers can be intimidating for anyone so you did very well to stand your ground.

I just love the title of your thread - your spell checker's got a wicked sense of humour!

Pip x

22-11-12, 22:21
Love it! Courgettes! Just made my day x

23-11-12, 00:03
Best thread ever!

Well you can relax about the cigarettes, your friend bought them not you. Also you don't know those kids and most likely you won't see them again, and on top of that teens are allways secretive about their smokes, I know I was and my friends too, the fear of being caught by our parents was enourmous.

So there, no reason to worry about them nasty courgettes on the hands of teens :D

23-11-12, 06:29
Ya getting cancer is not cool. They are pretty young to be addicted and smoking : (