View Full Version : Scared that I may be coming down with something

22-11-12, 23:17
Well for the past few days I have been pretty crappy and i'm not sure why.

Yesterday I worked a full day, about 8 hours, and then straight after wen't to the gym and had a pretty hard work out. I was then going to go the movies with my girlfriend but a random head ache just hit me when I was showering. Then I just got this little stomach ache a long with it. Crap. Couldn't go the movies anymore so we just stayed at my house.

Well today is thanksgiving, the time were all Americans stuff their face, like I usually do, but today I wasn't hungry. I ate very little today and that's not me!
Well I could of ate more if I wanted too, but I didn't because sometimes I get this weird sense that I know im going to feel awful if i keep going and i hate stomach aches and nausea, as it makes me throw up every time. Don't really have a head ache today but head does feel pretty tense.

It's not like I feel super awful. Just an annoying stomach ache that's not severe at all, but I get these wiffs of severeness. Also super tired. Can't stop yawning all day. Do you think I might be coming down with something? It sure isn't a cold I know that! I don't want to come down with anything. My anxiety has been so good lately and i have been having no problems! But if a sickness hits thats when my anxiety starts up. Grr.

23-11-12, 00:13
Well I've felt similar sometimes, my guess is that you are tired. On my case work and a workout would leave me a mess of small aches here and there.

Think about it, maybe you are having hard/stressing times at work, then you do a couple of heavy workouts, mix in all that punishment to your muscles and you'll get... fatige!

Try to take a load off for a couple of days, maybe skip the gym and take the GF out to dinner or something, chillout with some friends, you get the picture, some nice relaxation ;)

If the ache continues after a couple of days of R&R or if it gets worse, then it's time to go to the doctor.

23-11-12, 18:58
another stomach ache today. not any worse or better than the past two days. Don't know what it can be