View Full Version : Anyone else had problems with gallstones?

23-11-12, 07:34
I currently have a condition that has persisted since I developed gallstones
. When this condition first started I went to three different doctors, and heard a range of `theories`, everything from
IBS to its all in my head. Turns out I had gallstones (Discovered after going for a scan, NOT by the doctor, even though I explained all
the text book symptoms of gallstone problems.

When I first heard the doctor tell me my gallbladder had to come out it was really scary for me...but it ended up not being that bad really, I was able to go home 2 days after the operation. Its apparently a very common operation.
Just the other day my mothers friend was also diagnosed with gallstones and has to go for the operation.She also suffers from anxiety.

Even though the gallbladder is now out, my pain persists.

My symptoms would be best described as a slight hollow feeling that would slowly start in my right side stomach area and then it would move to include my upper right rib cage
area and my back would ache on the right side as well.It would be at about this point where the dull ache would start to become painful and within
a matter of minutes completely unbearable. I found the fastest acting solution to this pain would be to QUICKLY eat brown bread and wash it down with a full glass of water.
I found the longer I waited to eat the bread and drink water, the longer it would take for the pain to go away.

I`ve found asking the doctor about why I STILL get this pain even though my gallbladder is now out, results in the classic medical professional answer "Its all in your head".
Funny thats what they said to me before they realised I had gallstones.

There is the other type of pain that I used to get BEFORE the gallbladder was taken out. It was actually the same, except that it wouldnt
become as painful as the other type. And it would last up to 3 hours. (This pain I believe was caused by the stones in my gallbladder).
The brown bread and water solution only seems to work with the fast acting pain, not the slow building pain that lasts for hours.
Then one night this pain became so painful I was rushed to hospital and thats when I told the doctors they can remove my gallbladder.

The other pain persists though (I get a pain attack in the morning, afternoon and evening) and no doctors can help. Their only suggestion
is going for a colonoscupy (how ever its spelt) NOOOOOO Thanks man!!!! Gross! Besides, whats the doctor gonna say "Oh it seems you have some
inflamation in your colon, caused my eating to much processed food. Please take the following vitamins to remedy this." Now that you are finished laughing,
lets continue ;) No, I think they wouldn`t actually have anything intelligent to say really. Probably prescribe me some useless medication.

What can they say. Doctors do not have training in nutrition, i.e. how to keep you healthy.
Thats just my opinion. I apolagise if my tone sounds hostile towards doctors, but that is to be expected when a person lives with pain every
day, and instead of getting guidence from a doctor on how to be pain free, you get told instead that this pain is in your head.Imagined.

The point is I believe the pain continues because my liver is congested with possibly hundreds of small stones that have not calcified and so they are not detectable
with a scan. These stones where formed from cholesterol deposits from having a really crappy diet for a longggggg time.
Because of the liver being clogged up, its stopping the bile from flowing properly thereby causing me to be constipated as well.
The pain attack goes away when I eat brown bread and drink water because I think its causing the bile to flow more again.

I actually wrote to the surgeon who removed my gallbladder and asked his opinion on me doing a liver flush to get rid of the stones,
but Im still waiting for a reply...

And so ends my rambling rant. I hope this was informative though :winks:
Has anyone else suffered from this pain, and whats everyone`s opinions about doing a liver flush. The one thing that scares me about doing a liver flush is the possibility of stones getting stuck in the ducts.

23-11-12, 08:06
Hi I have this, it's what I describe as feeling like you have been kicked under the ribs. It is pretty high up, I'm female so sort of just under bra line. The pain goes from ache to a very bad sharp pain. Had a ultrasound which showed suspected hemingioma on liver but everything else apparently looked ok. I am currently waiting for a colonoscopy and a endoscopy (going to have them both same day) I am terrified, but I need to find out what is going on and the GP is unsure. I queried gallstones, but they said these would have shown up on the ultrasound? I feel very nauseas as well, which does not help and don't have very much appetite . I also must have bile flow problems, (due to colour of stools) . I went to a physio who told me my posture, which is poor, can cause pain in this area . I have not heard of a liver flush to be honest, and I did not know you could still get pain around here once gallbladder has been removed but I have heard of people with similar problem. Hope you are feeling better soon. :flowers:

---------- Post added at 08:06 ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 ----------

Sorry just noticed your question was regarding gallstones , I thought it was about pain rib area. Not much sleep last night I'm afraid.

23-11-12, 08:36
Hi, sorry to hear you are having pain.

Yes from what I`ve read on the internet, alot of people seem to continue having pain even after the stones are removed.
People on the internet theorise the pain continues because there is still many small stones in the liver.

Im not a doctor, but yes in my opinion if you had gallstones in the gallbladder they would have shown up in the ultrasound because they
are much larger than the stones that are in a persons liver. Thats according to what Ive read on the internet.

My doctor has told me if I go for a colonoscopy they would put me to sleep for the procedure. But Im still to scared to go for it.

23-11-12, 10:51
Thanks for info regarding gallstones. The doctor has suggested I am put to sleep for the procedure which I have agreed to. I am scared beyond belief about it all but it is the only way of finding out I suppose.

15-12-12, 12:16
Hey everyone,

I just thought I'd explain my experience with gallstones. When I was 16 I had a lot of abdominal pain, particularly on my right hand side, with pain radiating upto my shoulder blade. Through numerous doctors appointments, emergency doctors, hospital appointments, not one doctor mentioned gall stones to me, they said maybe appendicitis, a stomach bug or constipation - what a joke, I know constipation can cause pain, but this was a different pain. I'm sure you understand, that excruciating keeling over, kill me now pain that doesn't subside with any pain killers, it cannot be described as constipation. Anyways, at a second a and e appointment I was admitted, one of the consultants that saw me on the ward was insistent that it was constipation and I shouldn't have been admitted. He sent me for an ultrasound, where it turned out that I had a large gall stone stuck in my duodenum. They booked me in for keyhole surgery and I had my gallbladder removed. I found a lot of the hospital staff treated me differently as apparently it is very rare for a 16 year old to have their gallbladder removed. If only they had been more open minded with there diagnosis'.

Since having it removed, I don't have anymore of that pain anymore, touch wood and thank goodness. I do get abdominal pain, but that's related to my IBS and not nearly as excruciating as the pain I have had.

I don't have any experience with a liver flush, so apologies I can't give an opinion on this.

Alma, I'm sorry to hear of the pain you are experiencing. I hope the doctors can sort it out for you soon. Plese let us know how you get on with the procedure and if they find out the cause for you.

Take care


15-12-12, 12:24
I had my gall bladder out a few years ago and now have to be very careful what I eat. I have to stick to a low fat diet. I also have ibs. My Mam had pains after hers was removed but the pain is not so bad if she controls her diet.

15-12-12, 15:36
Thanks Rebecca :flowers:

15-12-12, 21:48
Hi, sorry to hear you are having pain.

Yes from what I`ve read on the internet, alot of people seem to continue having pain even after the stones are removed.
People on the internet theorise the pain continues because there is still many small stones in the liver.

Im not a doctor, but yes in my opinion if you had gallstones in the gallbladder they would have shown up in the ultrasound because they
are much larger than the stones that are in a persons liver. Thats according to what Ive read on the internet.

My doctor has told me if I go for a colonoscopy they would put me to sleep for the procedure. But Im still to scared to go for it.
yes i had that for about 1year after having my gallbladder out. wich was 6years ago now.. no pain since.