View Full Version : Lots of symptoms, what is wrong with me

23-11-12, 09:23
I have been put on fluoxetine and diazipam for depression but i think this is something else. Im terrified of everything, if i look at someone i think they will take it wrong and come after me, i have no confidence, im scared of any interaction with strangers outside, especially school run with all the people and cars. If anything small happens i make it something hugh where people are going to come and attack me, an instance is a lady was waiting to cross the road and i kept going as i was late, it wasnt at a crossing just the side of the road but now i think she will hunt me down for it. If anyone shouts near me i completely break down and cant get my breath, shaking, very very hot, need the loo. I only feel secure in my house with the doors locked and windows locked. A man stuck his finger up at me when i was going to school in my car, so i hid my car and now wont use it in case he is looking for it, there are endless examples, im living in fear of even looking at someone and cant function like this, the meds are not helping, i feel completely mad. I was fine until 4-5 weeks ago, what is happening, this is so scary :(

23-11-12, 10:05
You have to go back to your doctor and discuss your concerns, fears and worries, perhaps a different medication may help. Speaking to a professional about this could help you rationalize.
I hope you start to feel better soon.:)

23-11-12, 10:08
Hiya I am a fellow mum that has struggled over the years - sounds like your at a very vulnerable stage - so pls be kind to yourself and realise that things will improve - something that helped me was to get a notebook and start 'congratulating ' yourself by that I mean if your feeling overwhelmed but you manage to do the school run put it down, if you decide to go and clear leaves in the garden write it down - at first you will only have a few entries but it builds thus building your confidence - a helpful tool! best wishes

23-11-12, 11:52
You've just described me! I'm scared of everyone outside my house.

I hate the school run and always feel that I'm being judged by the other mums. I also hate going shopping on my own and would either prefer to go with my mum or DH or shop online because I always feel awkard and that everone is staring at me or thinking i'm about to shoplift (which I have never done or wanted too!!) and then I probably act strange because i'm so anxious which then makes me look more suspect:huh:

24-11-12, 18:07
its truly an awful way to feel, has any one found any help that works

27-11-12, 17:48
Mummysworried - I am suffering from the same sort of symptoms as you at the moment. I am actually more or less housebound, but I am petrified with ANY kind of interaction, such as online (Facebook) to the point where I am not contacting with anyone. I'm also avoiding important phone calls from my social worker because I simply cannot deal with it. I am petrified that someone is going to break into my flat, and I am avoiding going outside to smoke in case I come into contact with another person in the flat.

I have no practical advice because I am in the same situation and feeling helpless, but I wanted you to know you're not alone.