View Full Version : Ringing in ears, vision disturbance... Anyone relate?

23-11-12, 13:09
Ok, I m suffer from health anxiety and GAd and OCd for years. I m in this bad state now over 2 months, first I was afraid of Ms and such things. I had many tinglings and stuff that scared me, I was neurologist she said I m fine, but thats isnt enough for me, I did blood and urine tests, which came back fine. Now I m focused on new symptoms, I mean I had that symptoms years ago, many of them when i was just 16 (now I m 27), but now I m freaking of couse of them.

I have that ringing in the ears which I hear only when is quiet around me
have floaters and like snowy vision my eyes are more sensitive on light also, which also isnt new i had them alot during years of fight with anxiety, but now I m obssessed with them. I also have chronic neck and back muscle tension couse of stress, so can anyone relate to my story?

Doctors doesnt want to see me any more they are all say its anxiety and stress, and that I m so concetrate on my body that i make symptoms worse by thinking. I see in that symptoms poll that many of this are common anxiety symptoms, but now I get worried about that i didnt talk to neurologist about ringing in ears, and that vision disturbance, couse i was concetrate on numnbes and tingling and muscle twitches (and that tingling gone now but i have new obsession, and my fear now is brain tumor, so idk if neurologist checked me for all brain illness not just MS and stuff but I m not sure. I mean she s brain doctor i guess she checkem me, I m just in big mess now. Blood tests were fine, and some doctors bfore said me that if somethings wrong you first see it in blood tests. Anyone pls reply i m scared...:(

23-11-12, 14:01
I get it all the time, and it's almost always because I'm clenching my shoulders up around my ears.

It's almost certainly just another anxiety symptom.

23-11-12, 14:04
You get vision problems also? I do take my shoulders up like some scared rabbit, and when i notice that i put my shoulders down, but then again I get my shoulders up very often, big tension.

23-11-12, 14:45
I get these symptoms also. When my anxiety gets worse, the symptoms get worse.

23-11-12, 16:54
My visual disturbances aren't as acute, but I do get a lot of floaters, dark crescents at my peripheral vision and the odd spot here and there. I also sneezed a couple of weeks back and literally saw stars/fireworks. That was not pleasant. It hasn't happened again though.

23-11-12, 19:42
Yeah my symptoms are like that, you know that feeling when you look at black wall, and it looks like little sparkles all over it.