View Full Version : New Concerns (Excessive shakyness)

23-11-12, 13:36
Hi. I am coming to you with a new concern today that has been worrying me over the last few days. In the last 10-12 days I have had a better control over my anxiety actually. Still not anxiety free by any stretch of the imagination, and maybe a little sadness mixed in there. In the time frame of the last 10-12 days I have had some symptoms that shows me increase pinched nerve activity or something like that, such as one day I woke up and I had what felt like...75% of the sense of touch, that actually got better throughout the day, and was many times hard for me to tell if it was real or me dreaming it up. I do believe it was real. I could feel pain/heat/temp, but when I took my fnger and touched up and down my leg the actual skin contact was hard to feel. This seemed to vary in intensity throughout the day, and I couldnt call it numb by any stretch...There was..Probably still 80-85% of the feeling.

But over the last 12 days I have noticed quite a bit of shakyness..Its not a bad shakyness, and I mainly notice it when I am laying down, and occasionally when I am just sitting and not moving..Its not a bad shakyness, but its like a slight vibration I guess. Its beginning to worry me, as I was up shaving yesteray and I noticd my right hip felt a bit shaky, and I also thought it was odd because there has been a reduction in the major panic attacks, and generalized all day panic types of anxiety. Really the anxiety amount has been pretty small compared to most times this year. About a month ago when the doctor suspected thyroid issues I had some shakyness, and they ran the full blood work,, went to the endocrineologist, found nothing. I had put that shakyness down to anxiety. I cant put this one down to anxiety. I cant really tell if i'm feeling bad in any other ways, its just this vibrating feeling will not get off my mind, as I even feel it now. I have developed a cold going around my family in the last 24 hours which can't be helping, but I dont think this cold has been building 2 weeks almost and causing this in me. It has just been in my mind lately as to why I am feeling shaky like this so much. Has anyone else experienced this? The legs are also by far the area I notice it most in..just like a slight but yet distracting sometimes vibration.