View Full Version : Anxiety is kicking my behind!!

Jen Sat
23-11-12, 14:03
Hi everyone, I am a new bod and have been suffering with anxiety/depression for 20yrs, at the beginning I took anti depressants and stopped as they made me feel ill. I have had CBT councelling and came off the medication about 4yrs ago. I was doing ok and could manage the slight anxiety as it did not escalate into a full blown panic attack and deal with the depression as the symptoms were mild. Over the past 6 months the old symptoms have reappeared and I find myself avoiding situations as I feel that I will lose control and bring attention to myself. I have been dealing with a lot in my personal life but feel that that shouldnt be a cause for these symptoms to come back, the dizzyness which is the most distressing, nausea, fear or passing out, churning stomach. I went to the doctors who said that my Oestrogen levels were non existent and has put me on hrt patches, this is the start of my second week and the anxiety has escalated, for no reason my heart is pounding and the nervousness kicks in, that i dont trust myself going out. GP said that i should also try going back on anti d's, I am on the brink of taking them but not sure if the hrt will allieviate a lot of the symptoms. confused.com or what. So much for an introduction!!

23-11-12, 14:14
Hello Jen.. Sorry to hear your having a bad time, it is horrible isn't it!

It is possible a combination of the two things you mentioned.. your low oestrogen and dealing with some personal matters. I don't know how long it takes for your patches to kick in, so it might be worth finding out and wait a while to see if alleviates your anxiety if you think you can manage. :hugs:

23-11-12, 14:15
Hi Jen Sat

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-11-12, 14:29
Hey Jen!

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough time right now. I've always found that going through stressful times in my personal life, is usually when the anxiety thoughts, physical and emotional problems tag on because for anxiety, that is an opportune moment!

I'm not too clued up on the HRT side of things or hormonal effects on anxiety, but perhaps you can adopt some techniques for breathing and relaxation, so that you can give the HRT time to work into your system, whilst being able to manage the anxiety symptoms as best as you can. If you feel it's not working, then definately reconsider your other option.

Have a look through the forum and the info pages, they can be very very informative. Also, don't forget, there are people here who can relate. So try not to feel alone and take comfort from this.

Chris :)

Jen Sat
25-11-12, 11:21
Thank you both for replying, it has been a comfort. The GP says 'logic says the hrt should kick in at some point', not very helpful. I made a decision this morning to take the anti d's as I just want to feel 'normal'. I went for a short walk yesterday and once I made the decision to go out, the symptoms kicked in, also the 'what if' thoughts. It is soooo exhausting, i feel like i am dragging myself through the day, i just was to curl up in the corner and be forgotton. Everything takes so much energy. There are other days where i can go about my day with no effort, Friday night, I went to the supermarket at short notice and didnt stress out at all. I never know how the next day will be, I could go to bed feeling optimistic and wake up with dread!! Just typing this now, I am thinking am I giving in too quickly to take the anti d's. The first pill has not been taken yet.

25-11-12, 13:35
Welcome to the forums Jen! :)

If you want to wait to see if the HRT patches help with your anxiety then that is fine. Years ago my mum had a hysterectomy and she had to use HRT patches for several months afterwards. I remember that whenever her patches were starting to wear off, she would get very snappy and irritable with me and my sisters! So I do think that hormones can affect people's moods.

Just out of interest, which anti-d's have you been prescribed?

Jen Sat
25-11-12, 14:02
Hi Sparkle, I have been given Paroxetine as that is what I was on before. I also had a hysterectomy back in 2005 not realising that the hrt pills were ineffective, hopefully the patches will take affect. Reading the side effects for the patch says that anxiety/depression will increase, so that could explain the new intensity. I would love to go about daily life without being so much in my head, how am I feeling, what was that twinge/ache, am I going to collapse you know. I look at other people who appear to can just get up and go without a thought and feel broken.