View Full Version : I need support - tongue cancer

23-11-12, 14:38
I have to go to hospital on Monday for the results of a biopsy on my tongue and a nurse phoned me yesterday to tell me my appointment had been brought forward from Wednesdayto Monday, and she said I have to prepare myself for bad news and that I must take someone with me. I am beside myself with worry, we all know that feeling of utter despair and fear. I am exhausted as I slept very little and I am trying to occupy myself by wrapping up the grandsons Xmas presents.

I would be so grateful for anyones support. :weep:

23-11-12, 14:41
Sending you lots of :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1: Please let us know how you get on, on Monday. Will be here to support you x

23-11-12, 14:45
Will be thinking of you,hope things are not as bad as they seem xxxx:hugs:

23-11-12, 14:48
Thank you so much Annie for the hugs, I didn't know whether to post this today as this isn't just one of my health anxieties, but real this time and I will let you know as soon as I am able on Monday. My appointment is at 2pm, so I guess I won't get home till about 3.30pm. Bless you for replying.

23-11-12, 14:59
I hope things go well for you xxx

23-11-12, 15:08
Sending you lots of hugs :hugs: :hugs: xx

23-11-12, 15:19
Will be thinking of you

23-11-12, 15:27
Thank you cmc, IO89 and almamatters for your support, I really am grateful to you all, and it is helping to keep my mind occupied. I never dreamt that I would ask for help like this, so bless you all.

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

Nicola, thank you too for your support, I know that you have been through such horrendous ordeals and I for one am extremely grateful for this site. I just feel so alone, although I have a wonderful partner to support me, he has only just retired and we were looking forward to some happy times together, but I guess this is life.

23-11-12, 16:54
fingers crossed all goes as well as can be expected and easier said than done meantime try and not dwell on the possibilities too much until you find out what is what

23-11-12, 17:06
Thank you bignik, I know I should be more positive but I am finding it very difficult to be so today. I just need to get the appointment done on Monday and know what I am up against, but thanks you for replying.

23-11-12, 17:09
quite understandable, best wishes

23-11-12, 17:15
You're doing really well and coping far better than most people would. Things are rarely as bad as our imaginations like us to believe and it's amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it.

Wishing you all the best for Monday - big hugs from me :hugs:

Thinking of you

Pip xxxx

23-11-12, 17:30
Nicola, thank you too for your support, I know that you have been through such horrendous ordeals and I for one am extremely grateful for this site. I just feel so alone, although I have a wonderful partner to support me, he has only just retired and we were looking forward to some happy times together, but I guess this is life.

We are all here for you if you need support or just someone to listen or moan to :hugs:

I am sure you will let us know as soon as you can what the prognosis is.

23-11-12, 18:02

Whatever I might say might be wrong,but as you know full well you are amongst friends on here.

Hopefully whatever you have can be dealt with ,though I must say the nurse could have put it to you in a more tactful way and also it's a shame that you have to wait from Thursday until Monday to be seen. God Bless.

23-11-12, 18:44
Nicola thank you so much for your 2nd reply with support and of course I will let you all know what the outcome is.

Pipkin, thank you too for your true comments, my brain is on the worst scenario at the moment, I can't guess this one.

Ricardo, I suppose it was my fault that the nurse said be prepared for bad news because I asked her if she could give me any kind of idea of how bad it was. The clinic I should have attended today to get the result was cancelled due to the whole team going on a days course and the next available clinic is on Monday. Again thank you for your kind comments, I really appreciate everyone supporting me through this black period.

23-11-12, 19:44
This has made me cry, I am so sorry for you.
All my love to you and your family and tonnes and tonnes of hope <3

---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:42 ----------

Can you please let us know what the nurse or Doctor tells you, a lot of us here will be worried for you now (I know I will) so as soon as you can please let us know so we know you're in good hands xxxxx

harrys mummy
23-11-12, 20:10
Sorry Ddcoo, my phones being completly foolish!! Hope you get this! I just wanted to send you a hug and make sure you let us know monday xx thinking of you, we're strong beings us anxiety people xxxxx

23-11-12, 22:47
Sending you a hug,:hugs:and hoping everything goes well for you.

23-11-12, 23:33
Thinking of you xxx

24-11-12, 03:31
thinking of you, sending you a big :bighug1:

24-11-12, 04:11
will be thinking about you on monday. must seem like such a long wait. x

24-11-12, 04:42
:hugs: good luck, not sure what it is but if it helps, i have an uncle who had tongue cancer and is absolutely healthy now. you'll be in my prayers.

24-11-12, 07:30
I know you have a lot on your plate, but what helps me is living in the moment. I know everyone says that, but if you truly live in the moment you will not worry because, you're not thinking of the future. So try to live in the moment!! I hope you appointment has better news then expected. HUGS!!

24-11-12, 15:03
Will be thinking of you Monday, my aunty also had tongue cancer if this is what you have and like the above poster said is completely fine and healthy now and it wasn't caught early it was quite developed... so try not to worry too much.

good luck.

24-11-12, 17:41
You must be beside yourself having to wait to hear this "bad news". I wish you luck on whatever it is that lies ahead of you.

26-11-12, 08:59
Well, the big day is here, it hasn't been an easy wait and of course I am absolutely petrified. But thank you to you all for your replies to my thread I really appreciate every one of them. Of course I will let you know this afternoon what the outcome is. I am pretty sure that it is going to be cancer but it is how far it has gone that worries me. Thank you to you guys who told me about family members who had tongue cancer and have survived, I can just hope and pray that I can be as lucky. Regardless of what happens I will continue to post on here and keep you informed if you want me to and if I can help anyone in return then I will.

I have always had anxiety since I was 17 yrs old and I am 68 now and really there has been very little physically wrong with me through my life and I have wasted so many years worrying about my health and how I feel, when in fact I have been in good health, what a waste. If I could wave a magic wand over you all to cure you of this cursed disease I would do it willingly. So if reading this makes just one of you think twice about dwelling on anxiety, thenn I will have helped.

I am not going to the hospital till about 1pm, my appointment is at 2pm, so I will stay on line in between getting ready as your posts are helping me so much. Bless you all.

26-11-12, 09:05
I just want you to know that I am thinking about you today and sending you :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1: xx

26-11-12, 09:09
God bless you and will be thinking about you. As others have said this is one of the cancers that they can do something about so, hopefully, it will be sorted. I am the same age as yourself and, like you, have wasted so many years worrying about things I have not had. I think, however, the older you get the more likely you feel that you are going to get something bad because at our age you know you are not going to live for ever. I am keeping everything crossed for you.

26-11-12, 09:33
Annie, thank you again, will post after the event - cross everything for me.

Frankie, thank you for your helpful words, you also seem to understand exactly how I feel, as you say, at our age we are expecting something really bad. Why oh why have we wasted so much time worrying about what might be instead of what is. My lovely man has been so supportive this weekend, it is not easy for him and yet he is so positive for me and I am so negative, the joys of being an anxious person. I just hope that I can cope with any treatment they will give me. I promise to post as soon as I can this afternoon, but thank you so much for your support.

26-11-12, 09:47
I just wanted to send a big hug your way and wish you all the best. When my gran was diagnosed with cancer, she gave herself one day to cry, and then the next morning she woke up and didn't let cancer ruin her life. Whilst it wounds horrific now, it might not be as bad as you think.
Also just wanted to say they didn't give my gran any information about staging etc at the first appointment, she had to go for further tests first so this may also happen to you.

26-11-12, 10:10
Thinking of you and hope the news isn't bad. Just remember though if it we have such good treatments nowadays that I'm sure the drs will be able to help you xxx

26-11-12, 10:11
Thank you lo19 for contacting me today. Good for your granny, she is a very strong lady and I hope I can copy her example. I must admit that I haven't cried yet, but who knows what will happen after my meeting with the consultant. Thank you for telling me about the extra tests, I know they will have to sort out the sore on my tongue as there are three stitches in there and they only took small pieces of the sore to test it, so the sore is still there and I can't swallow any bulky food at the moment, I can only drink sloppy porridge, rice pudding and I have a Complan drink every day to make sure I get my vitamins etc. I also have some discomfort in my neck/ear that needs looking at too - that it what is frightening me, the fact that it could have spread. Anyway, not long to wait now. I am going to get a wash and clean my teeth now, but will remain on here till I go to hospital.

26-11-12, 10:26
Hello Ddcoo

Ive just read your thread and cannot read and run.

Do you have someone close who will be with you?

I wish you all the best this afternoon and fingers crossed for you.

Take care x

Stands mum
26-11-12, 10:26
Thinking of you today.

26-11-12, 10:48
All my love to you today Ddcoo!
Be brave and strong <3

26-11-12, 10:57
rubynoodles, standsmum and ReissG, thank you all for being with me today, and yes I have my partner with me, he has been fantastic and he will come into see the consultant with me, in fact the nurse that told me to expect "bad news" told me to bring someone with me, that is when I was pretty sure of the result of the biopsy of my tongue

26-11-12, 11:12
Thinking of you xxx

26-11-12, 11:21
I am also thinking of you today, and as you can see there are many on here who feel the same as I do xx

26-11-12, 11:29
SamanthaAU & Ricardo, thanks you both of you, I am astounded and so grateful to everyone who is with me today, just being able to be on the site has stopped me going into a blind panic this morning. What a team you are and if any of you ever need me just pm me and I will happily do the same for you. Only 2 and a half hours till my results now. I am getting the butterflies a bit! but that is to be expected.

26-11-12, 11:37
I'll be on here all morning, so if you want to message me or keep writing here I will reply as quickly as possible okay xxx

26-11-12, 11:43
You have many friends on here and we will all be here to support you through this :bighug1::bighug1: xx

26-11-12, 12:20
I saw you wrote in your first post you were wrapping your grandsons Christmas presents - how old is he?

26-11-12, 12:25
Samantha, Keith has 7 grandsons ranging from 5 to 14 yrs of age. I didn't have children with my ex, but my partner has 2 sons and 2 daughters and hence 7 grandchildren. We have been together for 14 yrs this Jan and all the boys were born after we got together so they know me as Nanna which is lovely for me.

26-11-12, 12:27
Wow you have 7 grandsons!!! They must keep you both busy! My son is 5 - they are such funny buggers at that age aren't they lol. Are they close by to you and Keith? Will you see them over the holidays?

26-11-12, 12:39
good luck today xx :hugs::hugs:

26-11-12, 12:42
Sending you lots of love, I hope today goes as smoothly as possible and that the outcome is as positive as it can be :hugs:

26-11-12, 12:55
Just like to say good luck :bighug1:

26-11-12, 13:05
Thinking of you, :hugs: :hugs: xxxxxxx

26-11-12, 13:06
I've just come across this post, I have everything crossed for you
Inc. my eyes!!!!
My gran had throat & mouth cancer years ago, she was
Fine and lived till the wonderful age if 84.
Stay strong my love
Thinking of you xxxx

26-11-12, 13:23
Saying a prayer that everything is well.

26-11-12, 13:55
Thinking of you at this time x

26-11-12, 14:16
Hoping for a positive outcome.

26-11-12, 14:36
I just saw this thread...wishing you the best, as we all are x

26-11-12, 14:48
I am wishing you all the best, stay strong :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

26-11-12, 14:54
Very best wishes.

26-11-12, 15:25
Dodcoo should be back online soon, best wishes too her! xx

26-11-12, 15:37
Thinking of you xxxx

26-11-12, 16:07
Oh Ddcoo, I'm terribly sorry you are going through this and I am hoping you hear the best possible news.

harrys mummy
26-11-12, 16:12
Thinking of you xx

26-11-12, 16:31
Just caught up with this morning, but had an appointment so couldn't post.

I have been thinking about you with good wishes xxxx

26-11-12, 17:10
Good luck xxx