View Full Version : Panic in Church

23-11-12, 21:37
First time here, I have conquered many different situations but I cannot seem to crack this one. When I was in college I had multiple times hung over in a Catholic Church holding hands during the Our Father prayer. Panic Struck. My panic attacks bring on the sweats like someone poured a bucket of water over my head and my hands almost dripping. I was so embarrased to be among my peers and have this happen. I now have three young children and do not want them to learn these behaviors. It seems to worsen the closer I am to the front of church with everyone looking at me. Sick of the anxiety on the way to church. As sleep deprivation increases from infants(have one now) it seems to worsen. Anyone deal with something like this, I am trying to figure out the triggers but almost always it is as the "our father" draws near. I have used the "one step move" but cannot crack the code on this. I know it is mental and do not like drugs so any suggestions outside of that would be helpful. I also made a career move and need to start speaking in front of large crowds. This has always been a fear of mine for as long as I can remember, but I figured if I am going to beat it I have to throw myself into the fire. I know preparation is one large key but any other suggestions would be great too. I was thinking of joining a toastmasters group here in the US again to throw myself in. Thanks

24-11-12, 08:10
So your panic in church started due to the fear of sweating which led to the fear of being judged.
I like to sit at the back near the doors.
Being tied makes anxiety much worse. Being anxious uses up a lot of energy.
With the church, I would try small steps.
Like maybe go a few times a week when it's empty and sit there.
Then slowly increase the time spent there.

Toastmasters is meant to be really good . Everyone's there for the same reason.

27-11-12, 01:08
Agree with everything Anxious gal says. Trying to go when it's quieter and sitting towards the back may make it easier for you.

I hate public speaking and do tend to sweat a lot when anxious. The only thing that works for me is gradual exposure, but I've never been able to eliminate entirely all the anxiety symptoms!

28-11-12, 18:08
i agree with everything:welcome:

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:07 ----------

i agree with everything

28-11-12, 22:20
How religious are you? I say you should pray to God to remove your anxiety and panic. It works for me when I go to church and ask Him to remove them.

28-11-12, 22:32
I agree with all the above also. Sit near the back, us anxious people tend to like to be near exits, and know that we can just go, and we usually try to avoid places where we have had previous panic attacks, because we think that's were it all started. Good for you getting back in that church every week, and facing your fear, even if you are nervous you are doing it. Give yourself credit, and go in there proudly every weekend with your children. (I have to thank my children for they are the drive for me to live, and keep fighting. I never wanted them, and still don't want them to know how anxious I really am. I don't want them to ever feel like this.) So I understand how you feel. If you start to feel nervous, hug the kids, they will get you past it. Hope you find away to get past this. :hugs:

30-11-12, 23:56
i have had to run from church before. sometimes i feel trapped and my anxiety plays up.