View Full Version : Heart woes or is it indigestion

23-11-12, 21:57
as u may have noticed my anxiety has kicked in bad this week

Symptoms include

feeling like someone is standing on my shoulders
occasional shortness of breath not helped i dont think by inhaler
awful acid/indigestion
weird chest sensations including feeelinf like someone is punching me, someone running a knife through my left breast and cramps
lower back cramps although minimal
left arm pain (but just had tattoo done on arm yesterday so not worried as such about that)
jaw pain although i got 2 fillings wednesday

plus i am currently spending 12+ hours at computer desk for work

please help as i am due to fly in 2 weeks which i dont like either and i feel literally as if im about to have a heartattack, it all started wednesday pm

thanks in advance

24-11-12, 03:37
Same boat for the last 2 wks too. I sit at a desk 5 days a week for 8 hours + 2 hours of driving time. I have bad knots in the middle of my back, been getting heart burn and other weird chest sensations. But I get skipped beats, etc. but I am starting to panic again...shortness of breath, chest pain, skipped beats, heart burn, etc...