View Full Version : Pancreas cancer

23-11-12, 23:06
Its been awhile since I have posted. When I first started on this site, I was having muscle twitches (hundreds) all over my body, stabbing pains in my joints, beaus lines developed on nails, rashes on my scalp, extreme joint cracking--it all got really bad right after my dad was dx with pancreas cancer.

The symptoms remain on and off but nowhere near what they were. I was tested for everything. One dr suspected possible crest.

Well 6 months after my dad passed I started getting upper left pains near my ribs. I knew it was my pancreas, sure enough I was dx with pancreatits. This put me through the roof. They did a tuomr marker on me and it was elevated-but they said it was likely from inflammation. I had a ct scan and EUS-they were clear. This was 4 yrs ago. Also, I had been dealing with GERD for a yr before being dx w pancreas issues-turns out I was misdx, it was my pancreas causing the acid issues

My pancreas issues remain on and off. Ive been dx with mild chronic pancreatitis. I admit, I have health anxiety and always fear the worst. However, I am SO paranoid of having PC. Ive had multiple scans and they have been clear-but sadly I know too much about PC and know it is often missed. Lately Ive been in a bad flare. Im so scared. I just had a daughter 8 months ago and am thinking the worst. Again, I know I have HA but this fear is real since I have been dx with a pancreas problem already.

I am scheduling another MRI before my typical annual test which would fall in March (drs test me annually now because Im at risk for PC). I just am fearful my worst nightmare will come true.

24-11-12, 07:50
Hey you need to slow down. Just take a second and slow down. You are doing everything right..getting yearly check ups is great. BUt worrying the worst really doesn't solve anything. The yearly check ups do! Because even if you did get PC, you think that worrying slowed down the cancer or will make it go away. Let the doctors do there thing and enjoy life. I know its easy form me to say because im not in your shoes, but i have had my health scares and i have learned that worrying doesn't do anything but make your life miserable. Just take whatever happens and accept it. I hope everything turn out well!! Live in the moment my friend !!

24-11-12, 09:04
I am having these issues currently and like you seriously scared. I had mild pancreatis (spelling) in June. Since then have had upper right abdo pain, nausea, weird coloured stools, not much appetite etc. I had a ultrasound where pancreas appeared normal but small mass on liver (suspected hemingioma) My liver function test is always normal, so of course now I am freaking out about pancreatic cancer as I know symptoms are similar. I see a heptologist in 2 weeks, but am pretty convinced my fate is sealed. My husband has pleaded with me to get on with life and not to worry until I actually know, but I just can't. Hope you are feeling better soon.

---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 ----------

Hi K2626 have sent PM if that is ok.

24-11-12, 09:47
Hi, my dad also died of PC so I can understand you very well.
PC is often missed but because the symptoms are vague. You are being controlled and in your case there is no risk of missing a PC. I don't think you need to worry at all.:bighug1:

---------- Post added at 11:47 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

I am having these issues currently and like you seriously scared. I had mild pancreatis (spelling) in June. Since then have had upper right abdo pain, nausea, weird coloured stools, not much appetite etc. I had a ultrasound where pancreas appeared normal but small mass on liver (suspected hemingioma) My liver function test is always normal, so of course now I am freaking out about pancreatic cancer as I know symptoms are similar. I see a heptologist in 2 weeks, but am pretty convinced my fate is sealed. My husband has pleaded with me to get on with life and not to worry until I actually know, but I just can't. Hope you are feeling better soon.

---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 ----------

Hi K2626 have sent PM if that is ok.

Almamatter I know it is hard not to worry but my dad died of PC and his symptoms were not like yours at all. He had digestion problems and pain, very very strong pain, especially at night.

24-11-12, 13:32
Thank you so much Justina . I have convinced myself and everyone around me that I have this. Last month it was lymphoma. I don't have pain at night (touch wood) but I do during the day. My husband is at his wits end now and thinks I am wishing a terrible illness on myself. I can't seem to help myself . Sorry about your father as well. Hope you are doing ok :hugs:

24-11-12, 15:00
Thank you so much Justina . I have convinced myself and everyone around me that I have this. Last month it was lymphoma. I don't have pain at night (touch wood) but I do during the day. My husband is at his wits end now and thinks I am wishing a terrible illness on myself. I can't seem to help myself . Sorry about your father as well. Hope you are doing ok :hugs:

Yes I know you are having a bad time with a lot of anxiety, I have also had high anxiety in the last months, so I know what you are going through. I really think you can stop worrying about PC. Have you tried CBT for your anxiety? I am having CBT now. It is very good,only thing is it's hard to focus on it when you are convinced you have a serious illness...:bighug1:

24-11-12, 15:06
Currently waiting for CBT I had 10 sessions 8 years ago which did seem to help, but I have fallen behind again. :hugs:

24-11-12, 17:32
My uncle of 48 years just passed away from pancreatic cancer less than 2 weeks ago. He passed away 3 weeks after diagnosed. His liver enzyme count had been elevated a month prior, but his dr. chalked it up to the meds he had been taking. I know how horrible this cancer is having seen it claim the life of my uncle all too fast. Being proactive by taking such preventative measures including those yearly tests for possibly early detection and by eating a healthy diet and avoiding anything that might increase your risk should serve you well. Many say that pan can doesn't run in families, but I'm not sure that's true because I've seen evidence suggesting otherwise. I'd try to relax and not worry about it any further because it seems you are being smart about it and doing everything you can to spot it early on if you ever even develop it at all. My uncle's wife's aunt passed away from pan can as well, so his daughter has it on both sides :/ She plans on getting yearly tests in the future, but isn't worried about it.

25-11-12, 17:51
Thanks guys, I literally cant get this off my brain. I keep thinking it has been missed. Or the "incomplete divisum" they saw two yrs ago was actually a lesion-why else did they not see in other tests? Im going out of my mind. I wouldnt be if my drs didnt confirm I have mild chronic pancreatitis! It cant be a coincidence. Its much worse now than it has been-upper left pain, soft stools every single morning for months, and a stabbing upper left back pain. I try to be rational and think-okay Ive had symptoms for at least 6 yrs, for sure it would of shown in the tests-but then I read horror stories of people having it missed. I also know usually when you have pain and symptoms its late stage, but again I just think-Im the case where its just being misdx.

Thanks all for listening

25-11-12, 19:27
Thanks for your PM K2626 :flowers:

26-11-12, 00:31
sorry you are all going through this fear..I have it too...i had an ultrasound in October it showed I have a fatty liver but my pancreas wasn't visible...I've had the upper abdominal and back pain since around July...my doc has me on omeprazpole for acid...but it doesnt seem to have had much effect. I thought I'd be able to ignore the fact the ultrasound didn't show my pancreas...but I was wrong...my relief lasted abut 3 weeks...then it crept back in...the pain came back and so did the pan can fear....I sure hope we call all get over this soon and come out of it with less anxiety and our health intact...

26-11-12, 03:16
Sorry you are going through this as well. I wouldnt be so flipped out if I didnt have pancreatitis-I just dont think its a coincidence. I am so scared my tests missed something as I know its easy to miss as the organ is hard to visualize. I get an EUS (endoscope US-where they go into my stomach and ultra sound my panc from there) annually, its suppose to be the best tool. But I of course have done so much research and found many people where even this missed it. I just try to "talk myself down" by thinking if it were that this long it would of dramatically increased. But then I fear, well at some point my pancreatitis will turn into PC and what if they miss it any of these yrs? Pancreatitis already increases risk for PC and Im even more at risk with my dads history of pan can.

There are lots of things that can cause you back and stomach pain-why do you think its PC? Have you had a scope done?

26-11-12, 03:27
sorry to hear about your dad's illness...i can see why all your troubles would trigger that fear. I haven't had a scope...just an ultrasound...i guess it's just all the symptoms i get...stomach and upper abdominal pain, mid upper back pain...also had some stool issues back in September. I'm hoping this is all acid or ulcer related, but when you read about stuff like Bonnie Franklin getting checked for an ulcer and finding our she has pan can it gets a bit scary. With any luck we're all wrong in our fears.

26-11-12, 04:31
Yeah and I've done so much research on it dur to my dad then my own risk so I know how easily it gets missed. It just consumes my mind 24/7 when I'm in a flare and more so now that I have a baby

26-11-12, 09:14
Same reason I am worried, I had a ultrasound which said pancreas appears normal. But after googling (stupidly) it said that a ultrasound is not conclusive. Seriously worrying about it all. I am now going to request more tests, as it is a complete vicious circle and I just cannot get it out of my mind.

---------- Post added at 09:14 ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 ----------

am going to request blood tests for the pancreas are these a good indication?

26-11-12, 15:34
hi alma...sorry you're still struggling...blood tests can be an indicator..but not the only one..good luck with the doc...i hope you all feel better soon...i'll be calling my doc today...hopefully i can get in quickly

26-11-12, 15:37
Hi yes went today and requested pancreatic blood tests, which I had done today hopefully they will be ok. Hope you manage to get appointment soon!

26-11-12, 19:46
unfortunately not Alma....he's closed all week..won't be able to call for an appt now until next Monday..:mad:

26-11-12, 19:53
Good luck for it anyway. The waiting is the hard bit isn't it! I asked the doctor if I could have my tests done today, as I am stressing so much. I did have pancreatis in June . Did you say pancreas did not show up on your abdo ultrasound? only it did on mine and they just wrote appears normal . Beginning to doubt my ultrasound now!

26-11-12, 19:58
yep...they were unable to see the pancreas...same thing happened 3 years ago when i had an ultrasound that found my gallstones...i've this issue since July...I'm thinking(hoping) that if it was something as serious as pancreatic cancer I'd be very very sick by now, if I was still around at all

26-11-12, 20:00
From what I have heard about p/c you would be seriously seriously ill by now. Just confused about the ultrasound still? Is your pancreas in a different place to mine LOL

26-11-12, 20:03
nope...it just likes to hide behind the stomach.....intestinal gas can hide it during an ultrasound

Anxiety Jim
26-11-12, 20:05
I should be having an ultrasound, my doctor said to me that it might not show much because of my 'excess stomach fat'

26-11-12, 20:36
oh I see angrry thank you. Was told by my GP today that gallstones generally do not show on a ultrasound unless they are very big , so could have those I suppose

---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

I'm sure once you have had your ultrasound Jim you will feel more reassured

26-11-12, 20:43
yw alma....with any luck i'll get in to see the doc next monday or tuesday and can either get new meds or get some idea of what may be going on...i have a feeling tho that i'll he headed for a scope

26-11-12, 20:46
Would a CT scan show problems.? I'm not too sure really, I have scope in about 3 weeks I think, plus see the liver specialist soon regarding my suspected hemingioma . It's very stressful, as you well know.

26-11-12, 20:50
yep a ct would show everything...my doc doesnt want to send me for one as i've had 2 abdominal ct's and a head ct in the last 8 years....one of the last times i saw him he was pretty annoyed about my HA and I got a lecture...it seems to me that in my case an ulcer makes the most sense...i'm sure you'll be ok alma...you too Jim

26-11-12, 21:05
Thank you and hope you and Jim go on ok :flowers:

26-11-12, 22:07
Id rather be in your shoes-I HAVE pancreatis and my dad died of PC. Im at high risk for PC and Im FREAKING out I have it and its being missed

26-11-12, 22:11
sorry k...wasn't meaning to minimize your situation at all

10-01-15, 15:42
I know this is an old post but wanted to say my uncle died of pan can. He wasnt sick for long he died pretty quick after diagnosis. He was very jaundice and ill. He couldnt look after himself was vomiting and bed ridden. It was hard to watch.