View Full Version : ON A DOWNER, DIZZY, HELP!

19-08-06, 12:16
Had a really good week, then yesterday I got really tight chested and wheezey which got worse into the night, which has now set my panic and anxiety off again.

I'm sitting ere writing this, keep getting dizzy spells and feel like i'm on the verse of a panic attack, shallow breathing, think I'm gonna just pass out/faint. Am scared.

I know I've been here before, but all of you who suffer with this know how frighting it is i need reassurance right now!!

Has anyone else had, tight chest, very aware of breathing and scared your going to stop breathing, dizzy???



19-08-06, 12:23
Hi L

Yes I have been there too, it's not nice is it, the reason you are feeling dizzy is probably the shallow breathing . Try lying down and doing some diaphragmatic breathing i.e as you breathe in push your abdomen out and in as you breathe in, can take a while to perfect!!! But it always helps me.

I get the tight chest too, but the breathing should help that too, hope this helps.

Take care

Elaine x

19-08-06, 12:25
thank you, its because i'm so aware of my breathing I keep thinking i'm gonna stop!!!

Keep having to take in big breaths coz I feel i'm not getting anough air, its horrible and making my anxiety awful, my heart is racing, just keeo thinking i'm gonna faint

I'm scar

19-08-06, 12:28
Hi L

Don't be scared chuck. Taking in big breaths is an automatic reaction of your body to shallow breathing along with yawning. As I said try some relaxation techniques, I know it's hard when your anxiety is awful but please trust me n ntis as it always worked for me. Ir's not a nice feeling but it will pass I assure you.

Take care

Elaine x

19-08-06, 12:33
It just so hard to try and relax when you have a two year ols wanting my full attention!!!! - don't think it helps right nice. I hate being like this, its not fair on him!!

19-08-06, 12:46
Yes, i agree with you there, been there although mine are 11 and 14 now and my 11 yr old daughter still seems to need my full attention. It is horrible this anxiety but you will get better I did. I still get bad days but I accept it a lot better now.
How long have you had anxiety?
Are you taking any medication for it?
Sorry, not being nosey, just trying to help.

Take care

Elaine x

19-08-06, 12:52
about a year now, been referred from my doc to assessor who has given me 2 sessions of anxiety management, and then 6 sessions of councilling. I'm also havin some CBT after that too. My dad passed away 6 years ago from cancer, Esphogus, Liver and Brain tumour, I've tried to be strong for so long, but after a abnormal smear (which wasn't cancer but I had to have treatment), which started off the anxiety/panic (all clear now), breakdown of a long relationship with my sons dad, and lots of other things it just all got to me! My main anxiety cause is obviously health, mainly cancer. As soon as i get a ache/pain/twinge i automatically assume the worst! I hope the therapy works! Didn't want to go down the Anti-depressant route, didn;t feel its for me, only do it it as i last resort if all else fails. (I'm 26)

19-08-06, 13:04
My anxiety started when my hubby was diagnosed with non Hodgkins Lymphoma 2 years ago. Once he had a positive diagnosis my body just fell apart, thought I had something seriously wrong with me untilmy GP diagnosed acute anxiety which I hink had been underlying for years, from having PND after my first child , to losing my mum to a stroke 8 years ago and then everyone depending on Elaine because she's the strong one who copes with eveything.
I had 6 counselling sessions which made me see what my triggers were but by the end I seemed to be listening to her problems! Not very professional really.
I do not take anti -d's, I take St John's Wort, Vit B complex and Omega 3 which has worked for me to a point.
My anxiety is mainly health related too, and the fact that I am a qualified nurse doesn't help even though I gave up nursing after the birth of my 1st child- I am now 45 but feel about 30 most of the time, sometimes I feel like a teenager too and get quite envious about my son going out with his mates as I'd like to be going out with them all too. lol!!!

Anyway that's my story. might help you.

Take care

Elaine x

19-08-06, 13:05
By the way my hubby is in remission now and doing really well.

19-08-06, 13:07
is that Lymph node cancer? - coz that is my latest worry, as my glands were up, thats one of the worrys i have

19-08-06, 13:20
Yes, that's lymphatic cancer, but I am sure you don't have that, it's more than you glands being up I can assure you.

Take care

Elaine x

19-08-06, 13:23
I was worried because my glands were twingey, tight chested, palpitations, can't breathe properly, & my back aches, i know its silly. sorry. these are definetly not symptoms?

sorry, but I have been so worried for months i had it


19-08-06, 18:36
Your glands could be up because you are run down and all the other symptoms are classic anxiety symptoms chuck. My back aches all the time, all over and it's due to tense muscles.

Speak later

Take care

Elaine x

20-08-06, 10:51
Hi L

How are you feeling today? Any better?

Take care

Elaine x

20-08-06, 13:40
no still awful if not worse, panic and worry has got firm grip on my now. which is putting me on a right downer. Still getting the odd dizzy spell, just feel really tight chested and that I can't breathe properly. I am worried I am going to stop breathing.

20-08-06, 14:06
Hi Langlim - I know how you feel - I think as Lainey says its coz you are anxious that you are dizzy and have backache.

I am tight on my chest even when I use my asthma inhaler and I am always monitoring my breathing and as soon as it goes wobbly I feel dizzy and feel I am falling over and then I get hot and feel worse - I think the more we think about this the worse it gets coz you attach importance to it but when you shrug it off and get on with something to take your mind off it then it gets a bit better - I have a lot of panic symptoms and breathing problems and hope my dr will put me forward for the physio breathing sessions they run at our surgery coz I hate feeling like this. Love wenjoy x

21-08-06, 09:57
Hi Laura

Sorry I didn't reply yesterday, had a really busy day so wasn't online much. Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad, at least the dizziness is starting to subside and in time the breathing will get better too just try thinking about the good week you had last week.
Take care
Speak soon

Elaine x