View Full Version : I get anxiety when my heart rate goes up

24-11-12, 07:20
whenever i start working out and my heart rate goes up i freak out and fear my hearts just going to give in. I have had my heart check because i was having heart palps and it was normal..But then i read about a 21 year old athlete that had a heart attack and died. And i am 20. I am scared of having a heart attack, i started working out more and eating way better and meditating at lest 5 mins a day. Im still worried everyday that i'm going to have a heart attack. I know i'm being irrational, but i just cant help it. But i have felt great ever since i have started working out and eating better. But its like every chest pain i get i get paranoid im going to have a heart attack.

24-11-12, 16:18
Hi Trent,
I get this too, i'm always checking my pulse especially after workouts. I have heard of those cases of younger athletes dying suddenly from a heart attack, in every case that i've seen the autopsy has revealed that the person had a pre-existing heart condition that had gone undiagnosed, most of which they were born with. If you have had your heart checked and you don't have any family history of genetic heart problems I think you will be fine.

24-11-12, 18:12
yeah, and thats what i tell myself that there had to be something structurally wrong with his heart. but i don't know i hate how my mind is my biggest bully and as soon as someone speaks some sense to me that isn't myself i believe it. THanks for the support. have a great day