View Full Version : Babinski reflex - why did i do this

Stands mum
24-11-12, 11:46
So for some unknown reason I tried to test my own Babinski reflex and I think my big toe jumped upwards on one of the attempts. Now I feel sick with worry again. Why do we do this to ourselves? Is it even possible to test your own Babinski reflex do you think?

Oh well I have my neuro appointment on Wed so guess I'll find out then anyway. :weep:

24-11-12, 14:29
Oh god, I remember when I found this one out, I was obsessed! As it's a reflex it would have to happen every time you did it - you may also be doing it wrong and it may also not be possible to test it yourself - I'm very very sure you are fine, leave your feet alone (as hard as it sounds)! xx

24-11-12, 15:03
No, this test has to be done by a doctor, to do it on yourself is not reliable at all!
Also you don't know how to interpret the result.

Stands mum
24-11-12, 21:58
Thank you. Trying to calm down about it and just wait until I see the neuro on Wednesday. :wacko: