View Full Version : Hey there.

24-11-12, 12:39
Hi all. My name is Neil & I'm from Birmingham, England. I suffer from general anxiety and panic. I also think I could be bi-polar. I've had it ever since I can remember - right from primary school to the present day. I've mostly battled it on my own though I had counselling and medication for a short time, though the former didn't really work for me and the medication made me a little sick. I know I could have tried different medications but I decided to use my own will to overcome it. I'm doing well with it but on occasions the anxiety comes back and takes over me. I help look after my disabled father and I don't really have many friends, so I'd love to make some on here, especially since a lot of people get turned off my severe anxiety - which is quite sad. I find it really difficult to make friend in the real world (Even though I'd enjoy doing so) but I'm more comfortable in a place like this where there's less pressure and judgement cast upon me. I'm really happy to join this place and I'm happy to contribute!

24-11-12, 12:41
Hi Neil :welcome:

24-11-12, 12:51
Hi NeilP

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-11-12, 12:51
Thanks, Annie & nomorepanic. It's a pleasure to meet you both!

24-11-12, 13:03
:welcome: Neil! I'm sure that you will find this site very helpful and make genuine friendships.

24-11-12, 13:06
hi neil
welcome to nmp :welcome:

you will make many friends here and the best thing is everyone understands.


24-11-12, 14:12
Thanks so much!

It occurred to me I should probably add a bit more. My hobbies include keeping fit, cooking, playing video games and I would love to get into travelling. Being able to go to a public place like a gym and being able to enter a kitchen without thinking "my sleeve will obviously catch fire if I try to fry an egg" were personal victories over the years, so being able to travel the world would be yet another! I'm 23 and I'd love to be a chef when I have the courage to start going for jobs.

I guess that about covers an introduction. :D

24-11-12, 15:56
Welcome to the forums Neil! :) It's good that you feel you are on the road to recovery. You'll find many likeminded people here.