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View Full Version : Confusing thoughts - Is this Anxiety still?

24-11-12, 14:24
Last night I experienced a confusing symptom, which lasted for around a minute,
I had just got into bed, and starting thinking about someone, then suddenly, I thought there were 2 people, when there is only one,

I thought the person I was thinking of In my head, was a twin to the reality person, so I thought there were 2 of the same people,
1 in my head, and 1 in reality, = 2 separate

This started to freak me out, and I started sweating, anyway I calmed down, and I the thoughts went!

Confusing and scarey!

I was hoping this is another Anxiety symptom? and not Schizophrenia

24-11-12, 18:50

24-11-12, 20:00
Hi, are you going through a stage of bad anxiety, not sleeping OR stress, I had weird things happening to me like this a few weeks ago started to freak out abit, cant think about any specific examples but they were quite unnerving and I just had to let them go. I knew at that time, that I was highly stressed and that's why. Stress manifests itself in many different ways!

I hate to say this but it is probably just be of those things x

24-11-12, 21:44
Hi, are you going through a stage of bad anxiety, not sleeping OR stress, I had weird things happening to me like this a few weeks ago started to freak out abit, cant think about any specific examples but they were quite unnerving and I just had to let them go. I knew at that time, that I was highly stressed and that's why. Stress manifests itself in many different ways!

I hate to say this but it is probably just be of those things x


I wouldn't say a bad stage, just a normal part anxious week! x

25-11-12, 06:09
Oh, I get rather obcessive when I get little rest and I'm stressed. The target of my obcessions utterly impredictable. I'm able to obcess about a natural disaster of some sort, about suffering a home invasion from a burglar, about my health or any random thought that crosses my mind. So chill and when you find yourself having some strange/absurd thoughts, try to switch off with a book or some tv or even a different train of thought. It worked wonders for me ;)

26-11-12, 12:24
Oh, I get rather obcessive when I get little rest and I'm stressed. The target of my obcessions utterly impredictable. I'm able to obcess about a natural disaster of some sort, about suffering a home invasion from a burglar, about my health or any random thought that crosses my mind. So chill and when you find yourself having some strange/absurd thoughts, try to switch off with a book or some tv or even a different train of thought. It worked wonders for me ;)

Cheers, really helped alot, :D