View Full Version : Feel anxiety is ruining my life

24-11-12, 15:08
I always feel as if I can't breathe as I have posted on a previous thread. I have have been to the doctors and they have said my airways sound very clear. It is definitely ruling my life I have stopped dancing, going out with friends and hate going to work as i constantly feel I can't breathe naturally. I feel sick most days and am worried I am going to start getting depressed. Is this a common symptom of anxiety and can it be overcome by counselling?
Any advice would be appreciated x

24-11-12, 15:42
I've definitely heard that this is an issue to do with anxiety - at the end of the day you cannot stop breathing its automatic - its your mind playing tricks on you like it does all the time when you suffer with anxiety - When you feel like this acknowledge that it's there then go and distract yourself with something nice - dont give it a chance to become a thought Pattern - hope this helps x

24-11-12, 16:30
Sounds like classic anxiety. My psychologist assures me we know that even during the worst panic attacks people do not just stop breathing, or find themselves totally unable to breathe. It is a concern for me and I often hyperventilate, I am learning controlled breathing as part of my cbt at the moment which highlights how badly I over breathe constantly. Until you can find a way to lose that fear of being unable to breathe it will continue to haunt you. If you have been assured by the dr you have lovely clear airways then you have to believe them and focus on confronting your fear (easier said than done I know!)

24-11-12, 16:35
hiya thought id reply as 5 years ago the same thing happened to me i never really had any issues with anxiety and one night i suddenly felt like i cudnt breathe id never even heard of panic attacks or anything so i went to the docs and stil nuthing was mentioned about anxiety they sed everything sounded fine etc. and for the next 6 months i constatly felt like i cudnt breathe like i cudnt take a full breath so i didnt want to go anywher and it made things alot worse and it turned into panic attacks for me in the end i went bk to the docs and got put on some anxiety medication and councilling and graduall it went away i never even noticed it going one day it just was i cudnt believe it was anxiety either at the time as it had neber happened before i kept searching the net which made it worse cus i thoguht something was wrong with me ! but i think u are constantly are focused on your breathing and this is why it happens definitly go get some help its not happened to me in years now :) x

24-11-12, 16:46
Thank you everyone for your replies, starting councillng a week on Wednesday, hopefully just going through a rough patch and it will go with time and help, it's just such a horrible feeling to be feeling all the time! Xx

anx mum
24-11-12, 20:23
Thats exactly how i feel its horrid. With me it feels like im suffocatting it can last all day and its having a major affect on my life pm anytime

25-11-12, 13:56
please don't stop your daily routine - anxiety thrives on people avoiding situations that trigger it...be brave and remain calm and I promise youl be fine! good luck

25-11-12, 14:35
Thank you wildly wonks will keep trying :)

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ----------

*willywonka - silly autocorrect!

25-11-12, 15:12
just take it a day at a time and be good to yourself - get good sleep eat well and exercise...it's vital u provide your body with the ammunition it needs to fight anxiety...the body is a servant of the mind....sickly thoughts (anxiety) express themselves in a sickly body...be good to yourself and try to develop a routine at night that promotes sleep...I usually exercise at night - get some food then have a nice bath at 10ish whilst listening to glenn Harold relaxation app...

25-11-12, 15:15
Yes I will, just had a look at the app does it cost??

25-11-12, 16:38
no u can free ones on the iPhone or listen to it on YouTube - it's great for relaxing..let me kno how u get on

25-11-12, 19:33
Great, have downloaded another app which has good reviews so will try that before I go to sleep and let you know! x

25-11-12, 19:36
yes make sure it's glenn harrold - I find him the best....listen to every night