View Full Version : can this be still happening

24-11-12, 16:45
hi all .. well its now about 14 weeks since istarted cit.... changed brands once on week 11 ( please dont say it dont make any difference ive checked it out researched it and spoke to many doctors. Different brands can make a difference to you ) Still feeling woosey at times, spaced out, night sweats. They all pass but now im worrying like mad thinking it could be something else. Had some aches and pains in tummy and bottom so gp is going to referr me to a consutlant and might have to have camera . Im just so scared it might be cancer. You know when u feel so ill it could be something serious but its the same feeling I had when I went on cit in the beinging,, in fact I only ever felt ok for one week ,,, Yes anxiety has gone but all the side effects are still hangining around ,,,I have read some people have to cope with them for over 6 months... Worse on a morning blurred vision, woosey spaced out faint ( these are all side effects of the cit ) could they be side effects of something very serious.... I never had health anxiety before , never ever suffered from up but boy have I got it now . Not seeing consultant for another 4 weeks and that will be for chat then ill prob gets bloods taken and have to wait till after xmas for any news ... fed up x

---------- Post added at 16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:19 ----------

well i ve just done the worse thing ever i googled lukemia,, all the symptoms i have , tired, blurred vision, ache under rib off spleen..... oh happy days.

and 4 weeks to wait to see consutlant

little scientist
24-11-12, 17:50
First things first, try not to google stuff - the same symptoms can fit many different illnesses, and it causes unnecessary panic.

It could be that citalopram isn't the right med for you because of side effects. Could it be worth returning to your GP to discuss this?

24-11-12, 18:24
i know its the worst thing to do. I was searcching on here and it led to some pople postsing symptoms that i had .... i know the cit can cause all the side effect i have but really after 13 weeks ?

24-11-12, 22:02
Still feeling woosey at times, spaced out, night sweats.

When I was on Citalopram, these were very common for me. After a while it will pass, you just have to give it time.

Had some aches and pains in tummy and bottom so gp is going to referr me to a consutlant and might have to have camera . Im just so scared it might be cancer.

I wouldn't let yourself get too worried over this. It could be anything small from mild stomach upset (and yes, anxiety can cause this because your nervous system is in overdrive, but again, it's nothing to worry about.) I have stress-induced IBs, which flares up when I am anxious but now that I know what it is, it tends not to worry me.
Blurred vision is easily explained, as when you are anxious (even subconciously) your heart races, even just a tiny bit, and this cause blurred vision.

A lot of what you are decribing sounds to me like the physical effects of anxiety; being too hot/too cold (so night sweats), muscle aches from being tensed up etc. Just remember they are only physical feelings bought on by anxiety. They will go with time, and you will learn to control them.

And please - don't google anything. If we all believed Dr Google we'd live in bubbles and wear gas masks :)