View Full Version : Hello Everyone

24-11-12, 21:53
Where do I begin...I have been experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, and somehow depression as well...all combined for about 3 months. It all started happening for no particular reason actually my life was at its best...purchased my new home, just got promoted at my job, about to finished my bachelors, and got engaged soon to be married!!!!
Perfect life haaa well it is not so perfect and fun anymore...anxiety has become my nightmare and it does not seem to go away...I refused to take medication :weep: I don’t want to...I know deep inside anxiety it is all in my head but how do I stop it and make it go away....it is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do
I am so scare :( I don’t want to be alone anymore!!! I have started to seen a psychologist and next week it is my first real section...wish me luck
Any advise you guys have please let me know!!!
I recently started reading a book called “The Secret” I recommend it to everyone...It is a very positive book and thanks to it I have been able to sleep at night...I also ordered some books related to anxiety and I should be getting them in the mail soon

24-11-12, 21:58
Hi Bella :welcome: Like you anxiety started for me at a time when I was happy with my life and would not have expected it. I had experienced some traumas in my life in the past though and they do say that anxiety happens to the strongest and is a sign of you being strong for too long. I take medication and find that it helps me. Your counselling will be good for you too.
You are certainly not alone on this site and I am sure you will find lots of support.

24-11-12, 22:00
It may be due to the sudden life change! I got a new job and that is when my anxiety started, good luck with your psychologist I hope that it helps you! You can get herbal remedies for anxiety if you don't want to take medication, I have found rescue remedy pastels take the edge off! X

24-11-12, 22:04
Hi Bella12

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-11-12, 22:06
Welcome aboard :) you will find all sorts of wonderful and weird folk around here that are all very helpful :)

24-11-12, 22:32
:welcome: Bella! I'm sure you'll receive lots of support on here. You've had a lot of life changes recently. Be kind to yourself and make time to relax daily.

24-11-12, 23:19
Welcome to the forums Bella. :) Even positive life changes can cause stress, especially if you have a lot of changes in a short time frame. My current anxiety episode began shortly after being offered a promotion at work.

If you click the link in my forum signature you will see what is helping me to overcome this. I also think that once you feel more settled your anxiety will begin to subside.